IN THE NEWS SupSupeeririoror G Grroocceerrss AArrirrivveess i inn Di Dinnububaa,, C CAA By Hernando Ramírez-Santos ith the opening of its 72nd store in Dinuba, COMMITMENT TO THE DINUBA COMMUNITY California, Superior Grocers took another step Superior Grocers demonstrated its dedication to supporting in its growth in the southern part of the state. education and community development by presenting a $3,000 Mayor Maribel Reynosa, Vice Mayor Rachel check to Dinuba High School during the grand opening event Nerio-Guerrero, Councilmember Kuldip 吀栀usu on February 7. Wand Eddie Valero, Supervisor of District Four of In addition, another check was presented to the non-pro昀椀t Tulare County, were present at the opening of the supermarket. organization Campus Life, reinforcing the company's commitment to investing in the future success and well-being of Dinuba's youth. CaCardrdeenanass M Maarrkkeettss ha hass a a nneeww l looyyaltaltyy p prrooggrraamm By Abasto eritage Grocers Group more customers to the HGG family," added launched the innovative Salgado. 'Cardenas Rewards' loyalty Cardenas Markets is headquartered program, designed to provide in Ontario, CA, and currently even more value and added operates a total of 58 stores under Hbene昀椀ts to regular customers the Cardenas Markets brand of Cardenas Markets, a subsidiary of HGG. and seven stores under the Los "We are thrilled to o昀昀er our innovative Altos Ranch Markets brand in new loyalty program to our customers California, Nevada and Arizona. and are grateful for their participation," 吀栀e 'Cardenas Rewards' mobile said Adam Salgado, Chief Marketing app is available for download on O昀케cer of HGG. Apple's App Store or Google Play. "吀栀is program is another great way for Customers can also sign up for the us to engage with our local community and new loyalty program and show our appreciation to our loyal customers start enjoying incredible for choosing to shop with us. Likewise, this bene昀椀ts by loyalty program will allow us to leverage data visiting and trends to further customize our o昀昀ering https:// and tailor it to our customers' changing cardenas- shopping needs. As HGG continues to rewards.web. launch exciting new initiatives like Cardenas app Rewards, we look forward to welcoming even 1818 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM