FOOD INDUSTRY HHooww VValalllaartrtaa SSuuppeerrmmaarrkkeettss PPllananss ttoo IImmpprroovvee SSttororee EEff昀椀c昀椀ciieennccyy By Abasto allarta Supermarkets announced its partnership with “RELEX’s focus on delivering measurable value aligns RELEX Solutions to improve the growth and e昀케ciency with our principle of providing the best for our customers, of its supply chain and retail planning processes. ensuring we continue to celebrate and serve our communities 吀栀is partnership will help the Hispanic supermarket e昀昀ectively,” said Sellers. chain achieve its business objectives and improve the With a focus on authenticity and community, for more than Voverall customer experience, the company said in a 35 years, Vallarta Supermarkets has been bringing families press release. together through fresh and authentic food. Vallarta’s mission is to serve the community with respect and pride, providing Managing 30,000 SKUs across 55 stores, Vallarta authentic, traditional, fresh products for the whole family. Supermarkets focuses on localizing offerings By using RELEX, Vallarta Supermarkets will gain data- and catering to unique shopper preferences. driven insights to optimize category performance and store layouts. Tailored assortments and planograms will enhance Their objective is to refine their assortment strategy, inventory management and store e昀케ciency for improved optimize store layout for more practical space use, and ensure margins and ensure customer satisfaction. a wider availability of products. 吀栀ese improvements will Keith Adams, SVP of North America at RELEX, voiced his support this grocer’s growth, enhancing e昀케ciency, driving enthusiasm about collaborating with Vallarta Supermarkets for better pro昀椀tability, and providing customer satisfaction. their long-term success and growth plans. “吀栀is collaboration RELEX Solutions uni昀椀es supply chain and retail planning is built on a shared dedication to delivering measurable, swift for demand, merchandising, supply chain, operations, and results, leveraging our extensive experience in the grocery production planning. Their partner, Logic, will provide sector to meet Vallarta’s unique needs,” Adams emphasized. guidance and implementation services. John Sellers, SVP of Merchandising of Vallarta Supermarkets, expressed con昀椀dence in RELEX’s ability to enhance assortment planning and space utilization. 7070 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine - May/June 2024 - Page 118 Abasto Magazine - May/June 2024 Page 117 Page 119