Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks MMaaiin Fn Faacctts & Ds & Daatteess Mark your calendar and keep these dates and facts in mind: 13 - 14 May: Supplier Showcase 14 - 16 May: Sweets & Snacks Expo 2024 +16,  0 attendees ~50 speakers and panelists JJOOHHNN D DOOWNWNSS ~150 companies registered for the Supplier Showcase PPrreessiiddeennt at annd Cd CEEO oO of tf thhee NNaattiiononaall Con Conffeeccttiiononeersrs AAsssosocciiaattioionn “Candy and snacks have the unique ability to elevate ordinary experience” SWEETS & SNACKS EXPO 2024 John Downs, president and CEO of the National Confectioners 吀栀e Sweets & Snacks Expo 2024 will feature some 50 speakers Association, host organization of the Sweets & Snacks Expo, and panelists discussing key industry topics. said. “吀栀e Sweets & Snacks Expo provides a platform for these Educational sessions will address topics such as robotic thriving categories to explore the latest innovations, gain automation, the state of snacking, trends in confectionery valuable insights, and connect with leading experts—all with and global confectionery and snacking trends, video games the joint mission of providing that unique and unmatched to engage consumers, celebrity collaborations, recyclable experience for consumers. We are delighted to be back in Indy packaging, and color additives and their regulatory predictions. once again to showcase the extraordinary value and impact of these SUPPLIER SHOWCASE industries.” 吀栀e Supplier Showcase is the Sweets & Snacks Expo dedicated Attendance at the event to helping confectionery and snack suppliers connect with requires registration, potential and existing customers. On May 13-14, there will which is available from be an opportunity to network with confectionery and snack the SweetsAndSnacks. manufacturing partners before they bring them to the leading com website. trade show 昀氀oor. There will be about 150 suppliers registered in eight categories: business services, colors, 昀氀avors, ingredients, logistics, packaging equipment, packaging supplies and processing equipment. 66 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM

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