Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks NCNCAA C Calalllss on on F FDADA t too TTakakee Ac Acttiionon Challenges State Laws Prohibiting Use of Food Additives By Abasto he National Downs stressed that "FDA needs to Confectioners assert its authority as a legitimate national Association regulatory decision-maker and leader in (NCA) spoke food safety. It's time to stop pretending out against that consumer magazine editors and state Ta number of legislators have the scienti昀椀c expertise and bills in several states to quali昀椀cations to make these all-important ban various FDA-approved determinations." food processing additives. According to the leading FOR AND AGAINST ADDITIVES trade organization for the Following California's adoption of a food $48 billion U.S. confectionery additive ban in fall 2023, Illinois, New York, industry, the issue has received and Pennsylvania are among a handful of much media attention without states considering similar proposals. accountability and little fact-checking Meanwhile, Indiana, Maryland, South among legislators, non-governmental Dakota, Washington, and West Virginia organizations, non-pro昀椀t lobbying groups, have rejected similar bills because the activists, and media members. proposals lack a scienti昀椀c basis. In the same vein, NCA reported that Kentucky lawmakers recently passed a NO SCIENTIFIC BACKING resolution recognizing that food safety NCA complained that some states' decisions should be fact-based and driven support for proposals to ban additives by those with regulatory expertise. relies on falsehoods that are all too easy "Usurping FDA's authority does to accept at 昀椀rst glance. nothing more than create a patchwork "Some states are proposing to dismantle of inconsistent state requirements that our well-developed national food safety increase food costs, create confusion system in an emotion-driven campaign around food safety, and erode consumer that lacks scienti昀椀c backing," said NCA con昀椀dence in our food supply," Downs president and CEO John Downs. concluded. 2626 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM

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