Special Ins攀爀t candy & snacks 吀栀e Popcorn Board released some interesting data on popcorn consumption. According to a survey conducted by OnePoll at the request of the Popcorn Board in January 2021 of 2,000 Americans, this is how they eat this snack:: Requirements for a perfect movie night 1 Palomitas de 2Manta 3Chocolate maíz (51%) acogedora (46%) (37%) Industry data Of popcorn is Of popcorn is eaten 70%eaten at home 30%outside the home. CCononttaaiinnererss o off p popopccorornn,, qquuarartt--ssiizzee,, ar aree ccononssuummeedd p perer p pererssonon 4343 ppeerr y yeeaar.r. Major popcorn- producing states are: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, 99 Kentucky, Michigan, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska and Ohio. BBiilllliioonn co connttaaiinenerrss of of ppooppccoornrn q quuaarrtt--ssiizeze a arree 1414 ccoonnssuummeedd a annnnuualalllyy i inn tthhe Ue Unniitteed Sd Sttaatteess, b, baasseedd oonn 20 201166--20202020 s saalleess.. These are the main types of corn: sweet, Dent, Flint, 44 and popcorn 2424 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 20E 202244- - AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM

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