FOOD INDUSTRY NUMBER OF CONVENIENCE STORES ON THE RISE More than 152,000 operate in the US By Hernando Ramírez-Santos he U.S. convenience store industry has added more retail locations to the c-store universe for the second consecutive year, reported the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS). 吀栀ere are 152,396 convenience stores operating in the United States. A 1.5% increase over last year’s store count of 150,174, according to the 2024 NACS/NIQ Convenience Industry Store Count. T 吀栀ese stores are estimated to sell 80% of the fuels consumers purchase in the United States. 吀栀e recently released store census shows 120,061 convenience stores selling fuels, up 1.2% from 118,678 stores in 2023. CHANGES IN THE LAST DECADE: 2024 - 152,396 (+1.5%) (-1.6%) 150,274 - 2019 2023 - 150,174 (+1.5%) (-0.3%) 152,720 - 2018 2022 - 148,026 (-1.5%) (+0.2%) 154,535 - 2017 2021 - 150,274 (-1.6%) (+0.9%) 154,195 - 2016 2020 - 152,720 (-0.3%) (+0.9%) 152,794 - 2015 5050 MMAAYY//JJUUNNE 2E 200224 4 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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