INTRODUCTION OF WHEAT 吀栀e Spaniards not only brought swords and conquest; they also brought wheat, a grain previously unknown in the New World. 吀栀e introduction of wheat led to the creation of 昀氀our tortillas, adding a new dimension to the already diverse world of Mesoamerican cuisine. Flour tortillas o昀昀ered a di昀昀erent texture and 昀氀avor pro昀椀le, and their ability to be stored for longer periods made them an attractive alternative to their corn counterparts, especially in regions where wheat was more readily available than corn. WORLDWIDE ADOPTION From the ports of Mexico to the shores of Europe and beyond, tortillas began their global journey aboard Spanish galleons. As they traveled, they evolved, adapting to the tastes and ingredients of new lands. In Europe, the tortilla was initially a novelty, a curious artifact from the New World. However, it soon found its place in local kitchens, transforming into versions that suited the European palate and available ingredients. 吀栀e true test of the tortilla's adaptability came when it spread even further, reaching every corner of the globe. In each new locality, it transformed, incorporating local 昀氀avors and ingredients, proving to be a truly versatile culinary creation. 吀栀e journey of the tortilla from a staple of the Aztec Empire to a global culinary phenomenon underscores not only its adaptability but also the interconnectedness of world cultures. AABABASSTTOO..CCOMOM MMAAYY//JJUNEUNE 2 2002244 1313

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