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Etiquetas Digitales para Estanterías, Tecnología, Abasto Magazine

La incorporación de sistemas avanzados, como las etiquetas digitales han ayudado a optimizar las operaciones y mejorar la experiencia de los clientes.

ENFOQUE TECNOLÓGICO CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Digital Shelf Labels Digital Shelf Labels: Is This Technology Worth It? By Hernando Ramírez-Santos ew technologies are becoming more popular, and Additionally, digital labels can be integrated with inventory the supermarket industry is taking advantage of and store management systems, providing real-time data that this trend. 吀栀e integration of advanced systems, enables more informed and agile decision-making. 吀栀ey also such as digital shelf labels, has helped optimize minimize the risk of human errors that can occur during the operations and enhance the customer experience update process. Nin supermarkets. Recently, retail giant Walmart took a new step towards inno- ENHANCING THE CUSTOMER vation by announcing the implementation of a digital shelf EXPERIENCE label system across all its stores. 吀栀is decision marks a signi昀椀- 吀栀e implementation of digital labels bene昀椀ts both retai- cant shift in how Walmart manages over 120,000 products on lers and customers alike. 吀栀ese devices can display additional its store shelves. 吀栀e goal is to modernize and streamline the product information, such as ingredients, allergens, and origin. management of pricing and product information in real time. Moreover, they can integrate QR codes that customers can scan According to a study conducted by the technology company ABI to obtain more details or access exclusive promotions. 吀栀e use Research, "Retailers must choose digital shelf label solutions of digital labels increases transparency and facilitates a more that can veri昀椀ably help achieve Key Performance Indicators informed and convenient shopping experience. (KPIs), support multiple use cases, are easy to implement, and comply with smart retail standards." ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Another significant advantage is sustainability. Paper WHAT ARE DIGITAL SHELF LABELS? labels generate waste and require natural resources for their production. By adopting this type of technology, stores can Digital Shelf Labels (DSL) are battery-powered devices that signi昀椀cantly reduce paper consumption, which is an important display key information for retailers, such as prices, special step towards sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint o昀昀ers and promotions, inventory status, and product details. of businesses. 吀栀ese devices operate by sending and receiving information through the store’s network, typically via Bluetooth or other A PROMISING FUTURE wireless connectivity technologies. 吀栀is system allows for real- Technological advancements in the supermarket industry time updates to shelf labels, eliminating the need for employees are rede昀椀ning how stores operate and serve customers. 吀栀e to manually print new paper labels and change product infor- collaboration between Walmart and the technology company mation on the shelves. Vusion Group to implement digital shelf labels is a clear exam- ple of how innovation can generate signi昀椀cant bene昀椀ts, setting ADVANTAGES OF DIGITAL SHELF LABELS a new standard in the retail industry. Digital labels o昀昀er numerous advantages compared to tradi- As supermarkets gain broader access to technology tools tional paper labels. By automating price updates, store sta昀昀 such as digital shelf labels, it promotes the modernization of can focus on other tasks, thus improving overall productivity. supermarket operations and drives e昀케ciencies. 2828 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 28 Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 Page 27 Page 29