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Consumo de snacks, aumento en la demanda, Abasto Magazine

El panorama de los snacks está evolucionando. Los compradores buscan el equilibrio entre indulgencia y nutrición, dando forma al futuro del los snacks.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Snacking Surge WHY IS ITS DEMAND INCREASING? By Hernando Ramírez-Santos nacking has become a more frequent habit for shoppers this year compared to last. In 2023, only 15% snacked multiple times a day. Now, it's 27%. According to a recent report from retail data science, Sinsights, and media company 84.51°, this increase is evident throughout the day, with 60% snacking in the morning, 68% in the late morning, and a peak of 84% in both the afternoon and evening. To present a snapshot of changing snacking habits, the 84.51° report compiled trends on the snacking preferences of shoppers ages 18 to 34 (Generation Z to younger Millennials) compared with those of older shoppers ages 35 to 54 (older Millennials to Generation X) and ages 55 to 74 (Generation X 昀氀avor at 13%. to Baby Boomers). Impulse buying is a common behavior, with 73% of shoppers saying they purchase snacks on sale. New or unusual snacks WHERE DO CONSUMERS SHOP FOR SNACKS? catch the eye of 44%, and the appealing flavor attracts When it comes to purchasing, grocery stores lead the way. another 44%. About 85% of shoppers buy snacks at grocery stores, while 60% choose mass retailers and 42% go to club stores.. THE DEMAND FOR BETTER SNACKS Convenience plays a big role in snack purchases, as online Consumers crave healthier and delicious snacks, expressing a shopping and dollar stores are favored by 29% and 28% of desire for more high-protein, low-sugar, and a昀昀ordable options shoppers, respectively. Additionally, convenience stores, drug with fewer preservatives. stores, and vending machines also serve snack seekers. 吀栀ey have speci昀椀c snacks in mind, such as plant-based 昀椀g Taste and 昀氀avor are paramount when selecting snacks, with cookies, monk fruit snacks, low-fat chips, and better-quality 75% prioritizing these aspects. Cravings drive 55% of grab-n-go fruits. snack choices, while 46% value convenience, and 41% Other desired snacks include trail mix, wild nuts and jerky, need snacks to curb their appetite. chocolate-covered fruit, low-carb bars, and more unsalted options. Classic treats like pudding pops and smoothies also PRICE AND VALUE DRIVE PURCHASES make the list. Sales and coupons further drive snack 吀栀e snacking landscape is evolving, with frequency, variety, purchases, emphasizing the importance of and health consciousness driving changes. Shoppers seek price, quality, and 昀氀avor. Price leads at 32%, balance between indulgence and nutrition, shaping the future followed by quality at 15%, and of snacking. 3434 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

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