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Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Special Produce Industry Insert


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 1

Fiorucci, Italian Charcuterie Excellence, Abasto Magazine

Descubre la excelencia de Fiorucci, la marca líder en charcutería italiana con más de 170 años de historia.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 2

Harina de maíz Mínsa, Abasto Magazine

Mínsa, la auténtica harina de maíz ideal para tortillerías y supermercados.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 3

Índice de la Edición Septiembre/Octubre 2024, Abasto Magazine

Explora las últimas innovaciones y tendencias en la industria de alimentos y bebidas con Abasto. Accede a noticias y análisis que te mantendrán actualizado

In This Edition CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage BUSINESS SHOWCASE 26 80 YEARS INDUSTRY Vainilla Molina celebrates eight decades as the essential FOOD COVER STORY ingredient in desserts. 34 SNACKS FUROR OUR FRONT PAGE A study by the company 84.51° reveals data on the growing taste 30 ALL for snacks. DAY ENERGY 38 NON HISPANIC Raptor celebrates ten years in the U.S. as the preferred energy drink IN THE NEWS CUSTOMERS by hard workers. 16 FIESTA MART How to prepare your store to serve SPECIAL INSERT: non-Hispanic customers. AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY IN TEXAS 吀栀e new store in Lewisville 2 WHAT IS is the 昀椀rst one for the 54 SPEND Z RESKILLING chain since 2015. Retailers must pay attention to Why professionals in the agricultu- 18 LOYALTY Generation Z, a group with growing ral industry must retrain themselves buying power.. in the use of new technologies 吀栀e bene昀椀ts of La Bonita's 8 MANGOES loyalty program. CONSEJOS How RCF Distributors addresses the OUTLOOK 76 ECO-FRIENDLY delicate journey of mangos from the 22 INFLATION PACKAGING 昀椀eld to the store. 吀栀e food industry and the use What are the strategies that of use of recyclable materials. help retain customers despite in昀氀ation. 86 IA IS MOVING Advances in arti昀椀cial intelligence drive the fourth 28 LABELS industrial revolution. How digital labels optimize supermarket operations in supermarkets. 44 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 4

Jumex, Abasto Magazine

Jumex, Fruta de mi Tierra Jugos de frutas en su presentación 8fl oz (237 mL) perfectos para refrescar y nutrir.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 5

Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, Abasto Magazine

En Abasto, celebramos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana destacando las contribuciones innovadoras y el progreso significativo que los hispanos aportan al país.

EDITORIAL CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Celebrate Our Diversity and Contributions for National Hispanic Heritage Month o r Calab o Gustav y B ational Hispanic Heritage the United States. 吀栀is route symbo- Month, celebrated from lizes not only international trade September 15 to October but also the deep link between 15, is a time to honor the Hispanic communities and the global NHispanic community's rich supply chain. and diverse cultures, traditions, and countless contributions to the United States. Abasto Magazine TRENDS AND PREPARING FOR highlights the legacy of the food THE HALLOWEEN SEASON and beverage world and the stories In other topics in this issue, we of perseverance, innovation, and highlight candy trend projections progress we have written in this for the Halloween season, a criti- country’s Hispanic history. cal time for the industry. Experts analyze the changing preferences THE HEART OF HISPANIC of consumers and how candies with HERITAGE unique and exotic 昀氀avors are captu- Mary Coppola Heslep’s article highlights AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY SPECIAL ring the attention of not only Hispanics how the agricultural industry, where a INSERT: INNOVATION AND but also a broader audience. large part of the workforce is of Hispanic ADAPTATION IN A CHANGING WORLD Finally, our contributor, Ramon Portilla, origin, proudly joins this celebration. In this issue, Abasto Magazine features looks at how retailers can prepare to Agriculture, one of the cornerstones of a special insert dedicated to the agricul- cater to the growing number of non-His- the U.S. economy, has been primarily tural industry. 吀栀is sector faces unique panic customers seeking new products shaped and strengthened by the hard- challenges in an ever-changing world. and 昀氀avors inspired by Hispanic culture. working hands of Hispanic immigrants. 吀栀e cover article, written by AgTools, From the 昀椀elds to the markets, their highlights the importance of reskilling FINAL REFLECTION impact is undeniable. and the e昀昀ective use of data. In an agri- National Hispanic Heritage Month Ivan Aranaga, for his part, reminds us cultural environment where technology reminds us of the cultural richness that of the importance of recognizing what it and the demand for sustainability are Hispanics bring to the United States. In means to be Hispanic in the United States. advancing rapidly, updating skills is each issue of Abasto Magazine, we cele- It is an identity forged in the duality of essential to ensure competitiveness and brate not only our traditions but also cultures, a balance between adaptation and e昀케ciency. the innovation and progress that result preservation of our roots. Being Hispanic in In addition, with RCF Distributors, we from our presence in this country. May this country is a pride that manifests itself follow the fascinating “Mango Road,” a this celebration continue to inspire the in hard work. journey that takes us from the orchards Hispanic community and all those who in Mexico to the supermarket shelves in value their unique contribution. 66 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Goya, Abasto Magazine

Harina de maíz pre-cocida Goya El ingrediente clave para preparar arepas, hallacas, empanadas y más.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 7

Equipo Abasto, Colaboradores Abasto, Abasto Team

Conozca a los líderes y profesionales que hacen parte de Abasto. Descubra cómo cada miembro del equipo contribuye al éxito y crecimiento de la empresa.

CELEBRATING Our Hispanic Heritage TM BUENOS CONSEJOS. Collaborators BUENOS NEGOCIOS. MARY RON ANA LISA L. JULIO IBÁÑEZ PAOLA OCHOA COPPOLA HESLEP MARGULIS MARÍA TRIANA GILL Retail Executive, Director of Operations Creative Director of Director de RAM Psychologist & Investigative International. CEO at Agtools. She has Ten Acre Marketing. Communications, Business Consultant. reporter at Consumer of Aurora Grocery a Master's degree in Former vice presi- LLC. He is a journa- She is Marketing Reports. Her articles Group and President Clinical Nutrition and dent of marketing for list specializing in Director of AnaBella have appeared in the of the Hispanic more than 10 years United Fresh Produce the food industry. Dried Food. LA Times, USA Today Retail Chamber of of experience in the Association. and other media. Commerce. supply chain.. JAIME ENRIQUE RICARDO GAITÁN JAY GARCÍA RAMÓN PORTILLA NISSA PIERSON “RICK” PARRA Branding specialist. Specialist in high Founder HumanX Renowned herb Executive Director of Master in Marketing performance sales Insights. Visionary expert, cooking teacher multicultural consul- Management and professional leader in customer and recipe creator. Nissa ting for Cross Cultural Universidad San Plablo. promotion. Speaker insights. Passionate writes about fresh Conexion with over Author of the book: "101 and trainer of sales about CX. Innovator herbs on her blog 30 years in the CPG useful branding tips". strategies. in Insights technology sector.. Gerente General / Diseñadora Grá昀椀ca / Ventas México- ABASTO MEDIA IS ACCREDITED / ACTIVELY INVOLVED General Manager Graphic Designer Latam / Sales WITH THE FOLLOWING ASSOCIATIONS: GUSTAVO CALABRO HEIDI ESCOBAR Representative LATAM [email protected][email protected] MARCELA CHAVES 336.724.9718 x.204 • 336.724.9718 x.201 [email protected] • 336.724.9718 x.206 Director Creativo / Cuentas Nacionales / LADY LIMA Creative Director National Accounts [email protected] • JENNIFER PANTOJA-PAREDES ELIANA LANKERD 239.421.8891 [email protected][email protected] • JUAN PABLO MADERO 336.724.9718 x.201 336.724.9718 x.202 [email protected] • 52.1.333.167. 8502 Coordinador Editorial / Administración & Eventos Editorial Coordinator / Administration & Events PPubublliicciiddaadd / / A Addvvererttiissiinngg HERNANDO RAMÍREZ-SANTOS FERNANDA P. WALKER adadveverrttiissiinngg@@aabbaassttoo..ccoomm hramirezsantos@abasto. fernanda.pineros@abasto. 33336.6.44886.6.22442244 Abasto es una revista bimestral de circulación nacional publicada por Hispanic com • 336.724.9718 x.205 com • 336.724.9718 x.213 Marketing Consultants, Inc. P.O. Box 20577 Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Todos VIOLETA MONTES DE OCA Suscripciones / los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción parcial o total de su contenido sin previa autorización del Editor. Abasto investiga la seriedad de vmontesdeoca@abasto. Suscriptions sus anunciantes, pero no se hace responsable del contenido de las ofertas. Las opiniones expresadas por los autores y contribuyentes que colaboran en esta com • 336.724.9718 x.203 [email protected] revista no son necesariamente compartidas por los editores o representantes de HMC (Hispanic Marketing Consultants) Abasto Media. 88 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Tapatío Hot Sauce, Salsa Picante, Abasto Magazine

Descubra el sabor auténtico de Tapatío Hot Sauce en su presentación 5 FL. OZ - 148 mL.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 9

Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, Abasto Magazine

Descubra los mejores productos hispanos que se anuncian en Abasto Magazine edición septiembre/octubre 2024.

FEATURED PRODUCTS CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Pepito USA Pepito USA o昀昀ers you everything from clas- sic peanuts to the crunchiest churritos. Perfect for any time of the day, meet the whole family and start enjoying: : • Pepecuate Japanese Peanut • Pepecuate Caramelized Peanut • PepeCrunch Cheese and PepeCrunch Hot. • Corn Sticks • Peanut Brittle • PepeDonas Snacks. PEPITO USA | [email protected] | the best HTTPS://PEPITO.GLOBAL hispanic products LA MODERNA SIGMA FUD Let's celebrate our Hispanic Heritage with FUD. Discover the delicious Cavatappi by La Moderna®, an Let's show that we can achieve all we set out to do ideal pasta for preparing exquisite Mac and cheese. together. Perfect for a family dinner or as a side for a good steak, 吀栀anks to FUD and its diverse products, we can build its unique shape ensures an exceptional culinary experiences that connect us to our roots because we experience. know that when we prepare any dish, it will transport us Try La Moderna's Cavatappi® and enjoy every bite. directly to where we are from. LA MODERNA BAR-S FOODS – A SIGMA COMPANY WWW.LAMODERNAUSA.COM | TEL: +1 (817) 506-3535 WWW.FUDUSA.COM | 1-800-699-4115 1010 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 10

Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, Abasto Magazine

Abasto celebra la cultura hispana en el mercado estadounidense a través de la exposición de productos destacados en la industria de alimentos y bebidas.

En Lol-Tun® we create products that traditionally represent the Mexican family, with warmth, commitment and authentic natural 昀氀avor. We put in your kitchen the perfect selection of Sauces, Preserves, and our practical Cooking Pastes; now, we present Concentrates to make delicious Flavored Drinks, making all those delicious dishes with a taste of Mexico a reality. Find this and much more at Supply Services & Solutions LLC. Call Now! SALES USA: SUPPLY SERVICES & SOLUTIONS LLC HTTP://SUPPLYSERVICESS.COM/ [email protected] TEL Y WHATSAPP: USA +1 (210) 687 85 64 MEX +52 (552) 270 11 67 LA PREFERIDA Seasoning Blends Try our new trio of condiments! Spice up your next meal with La Preferida's new seasoning blends. Made with a balanced blend of herbs and spices, La Preferida's new seasonings are easy to use and perfect for your favorite taco recipes! LA PREFERIDA | WWW.LAPREFERIDA.COM | TEL: 1 (800) 621-5422 | [email protected] XOT ENERGY Have an XOT! It's not a regular shot; it's XOT Energy. Clean energy with natural co昀昀ee beans. Look for it in three fun 昀氀avors: Tangerine, Mango, and Fruit Punch! Keep the party up, get together with your friends, go out to the festival. XOT gives you back all the energy you need for the day. VILORE FOODS | WWW.VILORE.COM | (210)-509-9496 | [email protected]

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 11

El poder adquisitivo de los hispanos en la industria, Abasto Magazine

La población hispana ha duplicado su poder adquisitivo desde 2000 y se prevé que alcance los 2.6 trillones de dólares en 2025.

USEFUL DATA CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage HISPANIC POWER IN THE INDUSTRY he average Hispanic household spends $2.5 million Population Growth on food and beverages at home over a lifetime. T吀栀at amount represents 25% more than non-His- 吀栀e Hispanic population is growing 5 times faster than panic households. the rest of the U.S. population: In fact, from 2021 to 2025, the Hispanic population will account for more than one-third of non-alcoholic beverage growth and nearly one-quarter of all snack sales growth. As a global leader in food and beverage, PepsiCo has unique insight into the Hispanic family dynamics driving this growth. Una Huge Opportunity The Hispanic population: Is the second-largest ethnic # More purchasing power group in the U.S. after white 2 population. 吀栀e Hispanic population has doubled its purchasing power since 2000 and is projected to reach $2.6 trillion by 2025. Contributes 1.7 times more to GDP growth than non-Hispanics. 78% of new active workers be- tween 2020 and 2030. Represents 70% of homebuyers between 2020-2040. Source: 吀栀e Circle of Joy: How Hispanic Families are Shaping the Future Food & Beverage Landscape, prepared by Pepsico and Pepviz. April 2024. 1212 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Mondelez International, Abasto Magazine

Hispanic Candy Mondelez presenta auténticos dulces hispanos para celebrar Halloween con sus marcas Vero y Ricolino.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 13

Nueva Inglaterra: National Supermarket Association, Abasto Magazine

La NSA abrirá su sede en el centro de Providence, Rhode Island para su recién creado capítulo de Nueva Inglaterra.

IN THE NEWS CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage NSA Opens a New England Chapter By Violeta Montes de Oca he National Supermarket Association months of discussions between Lieutenant (NSA), a trade association representing Governor Matos and NSA leadership, over 700 independently owned during which the Lieutenant Governor has supermarkets, will open headquarters advocated for the selection of Rhode Island Tin downtown Providence, Rhode for NSA’s headquarters based on the state’s Island for its newly established New England central location, competitive business costs, chapter. and rich talent pool. 吀栀e NSA is investing in Providence without “I AM EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE any economic or tax incentives from the state THAT THE NATIONAL SUPERMARKET or city. Sabina Matos, Lieutenant Governor ASSOCIATION HAS CHOSEN of the State of Rhode Island, announced the PROVIDENCE FOR THEIR NEW news on Monday, June 24. ENGLAND HEADQUARTERS, BETTER “吀栀e National Supermarket Association POSITIONING OUR STATE TO BECOME will be a valuable partner in reducing grocery A LEADER IN THE REGION’S FOOD costs for Rhode Island families, supporting ECONOMY.” LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR our vibrant community of food producers and SABINA MATOS.” SABINA MATOS. wholesalers, and eliminating food deserts in our state,” said Lieutenant Governor Matos. Founded in 1989, the National Store Bene昀椀ts Supermarket Association is a trade Through membership with the NSA, association representing the interests of grocery stores can access exclusive vendor independent grocery stores across the programs, receive technical assistance, East Coast. bene昀椀t from proactive and reduced-rate food safety inspections, and participate in New England Chapter other programs meant to reduce supply and ““We are extremely grateful for the administrative costs. overwhelming support we have received Independent grocery stores create 3,000 from the state of Rhode Island. This jobs and over $420 million in annual sales in commitment makes our mission more Rhode Island, and over $15 billion in annual achievable and impactful. Our mission is sales across New England. to advance and support the independent 吀栀e NSA focuses on establishing grocery supermarket owners by promoting stores in communities and neighborhoods innovation, sustainability, and community that lack access to traditional grocery chains. engagement. We rise by lifting others,” In Rhode Island, more than 25% of census said NSA New England Chapter President tracts are categorized as low-income and William Rodriguez. have limited access to fresh food. 吀栀e announcement caps over eighteen CREDIT FOR PHOTOGRAPHS:: COURTESY INSTAGRAM VICEGOBERNADORA SABINA MATOS 420 million + in annual sales create Rhode Island's independent grocery stores. $15 Billion + in annual sales created by independent grocery stores in New England. 1414 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

DRI MARK, cajas registradoras, Abasto Magazine

Dri Mark Products INC Proteja sus cajas registradoras con las soluciones de detección rentables de Dri Mark.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 15

Fiesta Mart, Lewisville TX, Abasto Magazine

Fiesta Mart abrió su nueva tienda de 49,000 pies cuadrados ubicada en el Metroplex de Dallas-Fort Worth en Lewisville, Texas.

IN THE NEWS CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Fiesta Mart Opens New Store in Lewisville, TX By Violeta Montes de Oca iesta Mart announced the grand opening of its newest ABOUT FIESTA MART store in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex in Lewisville, Texas. 吀栀e new 49,000 sq. ft. store, located at 724 W. Fiesta Mart is an international and specialty food Main St., o昀케cially opens to the public on June 26 and retailer proudly serving Texas for more than marks the chain’s 昀椀rst new store since 2015 50 years. Featuring favorite foods and FFiesta Mart o昀昀ers an eclectic, full-service assortment specialty produce from the Caribbean, of value-priced products to diverse communities represen- Africa, Asia, South America, Mexico, ting more than 100 countries of origin, including Mexico, and other places around the globe. the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, South America, and other places Fiesta Mart is part of Chedraui around the globe. USA, a leading grocery retailer with Shoppers at the new Lewisville store can look forward to an 25,000 team members supporting extensive selection of fresh produce, quality meat and seafood 380 store locations across three departments, as well as an in-house bakery, tortilleria, and banners, including El Super and restaurant, featuring Latin-inspired meals. Smart & Final 吀栀e Lewisville store also marks the 昀椀rst grand opening in a CRÉDITOS DE FOTOGRAFÍAS: CORTESÍA CHEDRAUI USA multi-year remodel plan that will update all Fiesta Mart loca- tions across Texas by the end of 2025. TTHEHE NE NEWW S STTOORREE “Fiesta Mart is known for its unsurpassed commitment to freshness and variety, selection of international products, • 724 W. Main St. and excellent customer service,” said Richard Gonzales, Senior Regional Director for Fiesta Mart. “We’ve strategically positioned this new store in one of the • 49,000 sq. ft. Metroplex’s most exciting communities that continues to see record growth and expansion, and we’re excited to o昀昀er • It´s the chain’s first new our one-of-a-kind shopping experience to Lewisville and the surrounding area,” added Gonzales. store since 2015. 1616 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Mucho Gusto Foods, quesos y cremas, Abasto Magazine

Quesos y Cremas Mucho Gusto Foods ofrece productos a base de leche 100% pasteurizada. Encuentre quesos y cremas con el auténtico sabor de El Salvador.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 17

Programa de lealtad, La Bonita Supermarkets, Abasto Magazine

El programa de lealtad de La Bonita Supermarkets fideliza a sus clientes a través de promociones, cupones digitales y créditos canjeables en la tienda.

IN THE NEWS CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Success Strategy Loyalty Program Increases La Bonita Supermarkets' Advantage By Ron Margulis igh stakes gamblers in Las Vegas are used to getting were very expensive, and the technology wasn't quite there. perks for being loyal to one casino or another. Now, With AppCard, the technology was easy to synch with our residents of the city have a similar reward opportunity point-of-sale system and we were quickly on our way to o昀昀ering when they shop at La Bonita Markets, a seven-store the program to our shoppers,” said Martinez. chain (soon to be eight) with a great selection of HHispanic foods and high-quality service. HOW CLUB BONITA WORKS As other Hispanic and general line supermarket retailers 吀栀e Club Bonita loyalty program works this way - points are have moved into the metro area and awarded at a rate of one point per dollar spent. 吀栀ere are also targeted the community’s Hispanic digital coupons and double point promotions on select items populations, La Bonita supported by suppliers, the retailer or both. Markets realized loyalty “吀栀e members of Club Bonita are our core shoppers who programs could create spend much more than average and visit the stores more often. a potential advantage 吀栀ey also shop online more. 吀栀ese are our ‘whales,’ and we want over those newcomers to treat them well,” he explained. and an opportunity to 吀栀e loyalty program is works with La Bonita’s ecommerce capture and solidify an platform from eGrowcery, so Club Bonita members get credit underserved market. for purchases made online that can be redeemed in the store. A r m a n d o Martínez, co-owner BENEFITS OF AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM of La Bonita, met a few eGrowcery features a module that helps the grocer easily technology vendors at integrate these dishes into the overall digital experience and industry trade shows the AppCard system rewards shoppers of the category across and determined AppCard all buying channels. checked all of his A signi昀椀cant element of the AppCard platform is the requirement boxes. accessibility to shopper analytics. 吀栀e system generates weekly “We looked into reports showing the number of points issued and the number loyalty programs of customers who redeemed the points. in the past and “The analytics we get from the system show the real t hey bene昀椀ts we are achieving by giving more and more value to the shoppers,” Martinez said. 1818 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Productos Bredy, Productos Mexicanos, Abasto Magazine

Productos Bredy ofrece más de 700 productos importados de México. Distribuya artesanías, dulces, bebidas y mucho más a precios accesibles para su tienda.


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 19

Breves de Conveniencia, Abasto Magazine

1. Tendencias para tiendas de conveniencia. 2. Wawa y su expansión comercial. 3. Circle K se une a Too Goo go. 4. Nacs Foundation tiene nuevo director.

IN THE NEWS CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Convenience Briefs Study Reveals Strategies for Convenience Stores Intouch Insight, a provider of consumer experience solutions, released its 2024 Convenience Store Trends Report. Food destinations: 56% of respondents consider convenience stores a viable dining option versus fast food chains, re昀氀ecting an 11% increase over the past two years. Fuel market: 34% of consumers aged 18-44 prefer retail outlets Circle K joins Too Good To Go with electric vehicle charging stations, compared to 14% of those in North America and Europe aged 45+. Cleanliness and environment: 53% of consumers now consider Couche-Tard, a global leader in convenience and the cleanliness and ambiance of the store to be crucial factors when mobility, and Too Good To Go, the global social choosing a convenience store, up from 43% last year. impact company behind the world's largest surplus food marketplace, announced the expansion of their partnership in North America and Europe. 吀栀is signi昀椀es a major step in the 昀椀ght against food waste, as the two companies aim to have more than 9,000 Circle K and Couche-Tard stores in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, and Poland available on the Too Good To Go app by the end of the year. 吀栀is will mark Too Good To Go's most extensive rollout to date. Wawa Plans Stores in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana In June, Wawa, a privately held, family-owned, NACS Foundation Has a New Director and partnered chain with more than 1,050 conve- nience stores currently operating in eight states Kevin O'Connell has been named executive director of the NACS and Washington, D.C., o昀케cially broke ground on Foundation. stores in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana. 吀栀e NACS Foundation, founded by the National Association In Kentucky, Wawa will begin construction on of Convenience Stores (NACS) in 1994, serves as a catalyst for 昀椀ve total stores in 2024, with openings planned the industry. Its program areas coincide with the philanthropic for the third quarter of 2025. priorities of NACS members: serving 昀椀rst responders (police, 昀椀re- Wawa will do the same with 昀椀ve more stores 昀椀ghters, paramedics, doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, etc.), in Ohio, with openings planned for the second 昀椀ghting hunger, supporting healthy children, and keeping commu- quarter of next year. Seven stores are expected nities clean. to open in Indiana in the second quarter of 2025.. O’Connell holds a bachelor's degree in marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University and a master's in leadership and public admi- nistration from Centenary University. 2020 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 20

La Botanera, Mega Foods, Abasto Magazine

La Botanera Salsa picante, Hot Sauce es parte de la empresa Mega Foods. La salsa celebra el mes de la Herencia Hispana con su auténtico sabor original.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 21

La inflación en la Industria de Alimentos, Abasto Magazine

Analice el impacto de la inflación en el consumo de alimentos en EE.UU. y descubra las estrategias que las tiendas implementan para retener a sus clientes.

ECONOMY OUTLOOK CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Food inflation and how consumers cope with it By Violeta Montes de Oca n昀氀ation impacted the way Americans celebrated ON THE GRILL July 4, 2024. Rabobank's Barbecue Index, which measures the cost of 吀栀e geopolitical crisis, a severe drought, rising staple ingredients for a 10-person barbecue, indicates that overhead and restaurant wages, rising interest rates Americans would spend $99 to host a cookout on the Fourth and higher in昀氀ation throughout the supply chain all of July in 2024. Last year, it was $97, and in 2018, it was $73. Icontributed to increasing prices. 吀栀is year, beer, meat, soda and lettuce account for 64% of As a result, food in昀氀ation jumped 25% from 2019 to the the total cost. end of 2023. 吀栀e additional in昀氀ation seen in the 昀椀rst half 吀栀at brings the in昀氀ation increase for barbecue to 32% 2024 has been the tipping point. Many consumers who from 2019. continued to spend in the face of 40-year highs in food 吀栀e Rabobank Barbecue Index assumes an average situation prices are now reevaluating their budgets. of grilling burgers - with family and friends - over the Fourth of “吀栀e consumer is waving the white 昀氀ag on food in昀氀a- July weekend. 吀栀is includes 10 adults each consuming the same tion,” said Tom Bailey, senior consumer food analyst at Ra- amount of food and drink. 吀栀e premise is that each person will bobank. “With an added 2% in price hikes in 2024 coupled consume a cheeseburger with cheese, lettuce and tomato, a with the cost disparity between dining out and cooking at chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato and a cheese sandwich, home at its widest margin in history, we’re seeing height- two handfuls of fries, two beers, a soft drink and ice cream. ened fatigue and frugality.” As a point of comparison, the Index uses the Bureau of Labor And this was re昀氀ected in the Fourth of July celebrations. Statistics as a source of data. Strategies to retain customers Burgers, not steaks. Cuts of meat on sale, knowing that shoppers will 昀椀ll their carts with other complementary items. 吀栀ighs and legs. Chicken can also be the centerpiece when 昀椀ring up the rotisserie. Meat and beverage specials. O昀昀er the ability to recreate the restaurant experience without leaving home. Alcohol y sin alcohol. Non-alcoholic beer has been a surpri- sing new revenue source for brewers, leading to a 31% increase in non-alcoholic adult beverage sales by 2023. Dairy. Consumers are looking for a healthier diet, but the International Dairy Foods Association survey showed that more than 97% of Americans enjoy ice cream, and vanilla is the most popular 昀氀avor.. Private Label. Bakery products have felt the impact of price increases in 2023, resulting in lower sales volume. Consumers are now more aware of waste and opt for smaller, supermar- ket-branded packaging. 2222 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 22

Pocas Food & Beverages, Abasto Magazine

Pocas: Alimentos y bebidas especiales de todo el mundo. Presenta su diversa gama de productos desde jugos naturales hasta divertidos desafíos de gelatina

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 23

Molina Vanilla, Ochenta Años, Abasto Magazine

Molina Vanilla da el toque perfecto a tus recetas favoritas. Descubre sus sabores: Mexican Vanilla Blend, Vanilla Flavor, Vanilla Extract y Cocoa Powder.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 24

Molina Vanilla, Ochenta Años, Abasto Magazine

Molina Vanilla celebra sus 80 años dando el toque perfecto a las recetas favoritas de miles de cocineros. Descubra sus productos en:

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 25

Vainilla Molina 80 años siendo la esencia Mexicana

En el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, es importante recordar la historia de marcas como Vainilla Molina. Conozca su trayecto y evolución en la industria.

BUSINESS SHOWCASE CELEBRATING 1944 1958 Hispanic Heritage Move to new plant from Founding of the downtown Guadalajara company. to Ciudad del Sol, both in Jalisco, Mexico. Vainilla Molina celebrates 80 years of being the essence of Mexico By Violeta Montes de Oca he base ingredient of stands out with a team of nearly 70 people. many Mexican desserts Quality is a pillar of any work or product. is vanilla and, especially Vainilla Molina. Pure vanilla and more Its history began in Vanilla is originally from Mexico, T1944 when Jose Molina and after America discovered it, the Ramirez, originally from Cuquio, Jalisco, rest of the world learned about it. arrived in Guadalajara. 吀栀en, he started 吀栀e 昀氀avor of vanilla from Vainilla producing juices and packing spices; later, Molina becomes a reality after he began making vanilla. natural processes. That is why it His son, Jose Molina Luna, joined the has the purest and most original company in 1973 to manage it, and his wife, 昀氀avor and is the preferred brand of Monica Estrada, joined in the 1990s to lead confectioners and food lovers. the operations area. Adding a dash of this extract is like Vainilla Molina is currently a family adding joy to your dishes. business. 吀栀e third generation is in charge To complement desserts, the of the management. Jose Molina Luna, company has developed new his children (Paula, Rodrigo, Alvaro, and products to consolidate its position Daniela), and his wife lead the company’s as a leader in the category in both key positions and comprise the Board of Mexico and the United States. Directors. “Currently, besides vanillas, we 吀栀e company, dedicated to its principles produce confectionery ingredients: and committed to customer satisfaction, Postrelicioso Azucar Glass and Cocoa. 1990s 2000s Diversi昀椀cation of 吀栀e entire the product line, family with soy sauce. joins the company. 2626 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Vainilla Molina, Historia, 80 años en el mercado

En el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, es importante recordar la historia de marcas como Vainilla Molina. Conozca su trayecto y evolución en la industria.

1978 Began exporting to the 1982 United States and conquered Building of the the kitchens of Hispanic current plant, where families who emigrated. production takes place. As well as chocolate powder Chocolvita, and successes, failures, and learning,” said Paula seasonings such as soy sauces, Dinastía Lin, and Molina, Credit and Collections Manager. Tamashi,” said Alvaro Molina, Marketing and The company demonstrates its success Design Manager, in an interview with Abasto through its dedication to the community. It Magazine. supports the Mexican Food Bank, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency A success昀甀l blend Fund, and the Child Nutrition Agency (ONI) Almost 50 years ago, in 1977, Vainilla Molina through 昀椀nancial contributions and in-kind began exporting to the United States. donations. “We have also exported directly to Canada, 吀栀e environment and human capital are Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Spain, Poland, also a priority for Vainilla Molina. Ukraine, Holland, and Mongolia,” said Daniela “We always seek to be at the forefront in Molina, Logistics Manager. the working conditions of our collaborators, “We have always sought to anticipate the and that is why we have been awarded for two market’s and our consumers’ needs. Our quality consecutive occasions with the Distinctive of certi昀椀cations and customer service have been the Good Labor Practices of Jalisco, this year we fundamental basis for the growth and leadership are going for the third consecutive recognition of our product,” said Monica Estrada, Operations of being a Socially Responsible Company, we Manager. also adhere to the SMETA program of the Vanilla Molina’s main commercial partners Sedex platform where we ensure compliance are self-service chains in Mexico and the United to human rights and to States, such as Walmart, H-E-B, and Hispanic the SDGs of the 2030 agenda,” said Hector chains in California, Illinois, Texas, New York, Vazquez, Deputy Operations Manager. and other states. “It has been many Whats Next years o f In the following years, the company seeks to improve customer satisfaction in consolidated markets and boost its growth in still-developing markets. “We want to continue our search for markets and commercial partners to expand in regions we haven’t reached,” said Rodrigo Molina, Administrative Manager. 2010 Receives quality 2021 Receives the National Export Award certi昀椀cations, begins from the Ministry of Economy of the exporting to new markets Government of Mexico, which con昀椀rms (Latin America and Europe) the company’s spirit of improvement, and development of the honesty and discipline. Postrelicioso brand. AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 2727

Etiquetas Digitales para Estanterías, Tecnología, Abasto Magazine

La incorporación de sistemas avanzados, como las etiquetas digitales han ayudado a optimizar las operaciones y mejorar la experiencia de los clientes.

ENFOQUE TECNOLÓGICO CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Digital Shelf Labels Digital Shelf Labels: Is This Technology Worth It? By Hernando Ramírez-Santos ew technologies are becoming more popular, and Additionally, digital labels can be integrated with inventory the supermarket industry is taking advantage of and store management systems, providing real-time data that this trend. 吀栀e integration of advanced systems, enables more informed and agile decision-making. 吀栀ey also such as digital shelf labels, has helped optimize minimize the risk of human errors that can occur during the operations and enhance the customer experience update process. Nin supermarkets. Recently, retail giant Walmart took a new step towards inno- ENHANCING THE CUSTOMER vation by announcing the implementation of a digital shelf EXPERIENCE label system across all its stores. 吀栀is decision marks a signi昀椀- 吀栀e implementation of digital labels bene昀椀ts both retai- cant shift in how Walmart manages over 120,000 products on lers and customers alike. 吀栀ese devices can display additional its store shelves. 吀栀e goal is to modernize and streamline the product information, such as ingredients, allergens, and origin. management of pricing and product information in real time. Moreover, they can integrate QR codes that customers can scan According to a study conducted by the technology company ABI to obtain more details or access exclusive promotions. 吀栀e use Research, "Retailers must choose digital shelf label solutions of digital labels increases transparency and facilitates a more that can veri昀椀ably help achieve Key Performance Indicators informed and convenient shopping experience. (KPIs), support multiple use cases, are easy to implement, and comply with smart retail standards." ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Another significant advantage is sustainability. Paper WHAT ARE DIGITAL SHELF LABELS? labels generate waste and require natural resources for their production. By adopting this type of technology, stores can Digital Shelf Labels (DSL) are battery-powered devices that signi昀椀cantly reduce paper consumption, which is an important display key information for retailers, such as prices, special step towards sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint o昀昀ers and promotions, inventory status, and product details. of businesses. 吀栀ese devices operate by sending and receiving information through the store’s network, typically via Bluetooth or other A PROMISING FUTURE wireless connectivity technologies. 吀栀is system allows for real- Technological advancements in the supermarket industry time updates to shelf labels, eliminating the need for employees are rede昀椀ning how stores operate and serve customers. 吀栀e to manually print new paper labels and change product infor- collaboration between Walmart and the technology company mation on the shelves. Vusion Group to implement digital shelf labels is a clear exam- ple of how innovation can generate signi昀椀cant bene昀椀ts, setting ADVANTAGES OF DIGITAL SHELF LABELS a new standard in the retail industry. Digital labels o昀昀er numerous advantages compared to tradi- As supermarkets gain broader access to technology tools tional paper labels. By automating price updates, store sta昀昀 such as digital shelf labels, it promotes the modernization of can focus on other tasks, thus improving overall productivity. supermarket operations and drives e昀케ciencies. 2828 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 29

Raptor Energy Drink para los "Hard Workers", Portada Abasto Magazine

Raptor, la bebida energética con gas, celebra 10 años de presencia en Estados Unidos conquistando a los trabajadores más tenaces.

COVER ARTICLE EELL E ENNEERRGYGY D DRRIINNKK tthEhE e enernerggyy d drriinknk FOR “HARD WORKERS” By Violeta Montes de Oca he carbonated energy drink Raptor celebrates RAPTOR FLAVOR ten years in the United States by winning Raptor stands out with its original fruit punch 昀氀avor and over the most tenacious workers. 吀栀e brand zero-sugar variety. For those seeking something healthier, a originated in Guatemala in 2008 and is known new 昀氀avor is now available: guarana extract, based on green tea. for providing long-lasting energy, will soon “吀栀is year, we are bringing new 昀氀avors that will be unveiled Tlaunch new 昀氀avors. in September-October for the Central American market and Its name is inspired by the Velociraptor, a daring, fast, 昀椀erce, also the United States,” continues Hernández. and intelligent dinosaur with lots of energy and determination In addition to its 昀氀avor and bubbles, Raptor has something to get what it wants. 吀栀at’s how Raptor approaches the market. unique: a blend of taurine, ca昀昀eine, and vitamin D to provide “Hard workers” perform strenuous tasks all day and need energy and boost throughout the day for those who need it. energy to keep up their pace. 吀栀ey work long hours, sometimes Drinkers also experience an emotional sensation of being in extreme climates of intense sun, rain, or cold, and at other faster, more determined, bold, energized, and capable of times need to stay alert during long periods. Examples overcoming challenges. include construction workers, gardeners, transport workers, agricultural workers, security personnel, healthcare workers, WINNING PRODUCT and more. Raptor comes in a 16-ounce can and a 20-ounce PET bottle. “Raptor is a winning brand that maintains leadership 吀栀e latter has won over consumers because the drink can be positions in the energy drink category in Central America, with opened, tasted, and enjoyed throughout the day. a strong presence and sales in other important In addition to its flavor and presentation, another markets like the Caribbean region, the USA, advantage is the suggested price of $1.99 per unit, which and others,” says Irene Hernández, Marketing o昀昀ers “Value for Money” to all consumers Manager at EDT USA. Its primary consumers are the Central American community living in the United States and familiar with the brand. Its taste is unique compared to what’s on the market. Its advantage is the feeling of freshness.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 30

Raptor Energy Drink, Abasto Magazine

Raptor, la bebida energética favorita de los trabajadores tenaces. Encuentre sus productos en


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 31

Salsa Huichol, Hot Sauce, 75 años de sabor, Abasto Magazine

Conozca la historia y expansión de Salsa Huichol Hot Sauce desde Nayarit en 1949 hasta su meta de alcanzar todo el mundo en 2030.

BUSINESS SHOWCASE CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage 75 years of 昀氀avor: Salsa Huichol’s history and expansion From Nayarit in 1949 to the whole world in 2030 By Violeta Montes de Oca ctober marks 75 years since Don Roberto Lopez invested 40 pesos in his mother’s salsa recipe. His STAR PRODUCT father, Don Cayetano, 吀栀e 6.4-ounce Salsa Tradicional is the Oconvinced him not to main star of Salsa Huichol, but the big emigrate to the United States and revelation is the Salsa Negra. start his own business. Today, 吀栀is has gained prominence that “small” venture that began and is the leading promoter in in Tepic, Nayarit, as Salsa the U.S. business because it is Huichol has grown into 昀椀ve the least spicy. Upon tasting successful products that have it, consumers fall in love with crossed borders. its texture and 昀氀avor, which 吀栀e vision of this venture is improves sales of the rest of to have global coverage. the 昀氀avors. 吀栀e preferences, “吀栀e vision of the business palates, and customs of the is focused on having the Mexican community worldwide presence of our brand in all the are reason enough for Salsa commercial chains and national Huichol to have developed 昀椀ve distributors in the United States; 昀氀avors: traditional hot, black, lime, achieving with this to be present in all habanero, and snack. the tables of all styles of restaurants, in the kitchens of Hispanic homes, in addition to 75 YEARS IN OCTOBER other ethnic groups,” explained to Abasto Magazine Although October is Salsa Huichol’s anniversary Luis Alfonso García Jiménez, of the company Trustknnect, date, the hard work continues this year. responsible for the Global Export division. “We are in the process of launching the global structure, 吀栀e unparalleled 昀氀avor and quality of Salsa Huichol are and this has involved redoubling more e昀昀orts to achieve the re昀氀ected in its presence in the United States, where it is already business expansion goals,” said Alfonso Lopez Acosta, sales in all independent Hispanic retail chains and in every state in director of Salsa Huichol. the country, thanks to Walmart USA. Meanwhile, distributors will be recognized and invited to 吀栀anks to the di昀昀erent 昀氀avors of Salsa Huichol, its presence private events for the last quarter of the year. With more time has increased. 吀栀e distributors serve the American Union with and planning, celebrations will come in 2025. four of the 昀椀ve 昀氀avors, which opens the doors to its vision 2030. Salsa Huichol aims to reach 100 years or more and continue Currently, 15 people are responsible for the production sharing the legacy of the 昀氀avor and quality of Don Roberto capacity, while it has more than 500 business partners. Salsa Lopez’s secret recipe around the world. Huichol is in Mexico, Canada, Guatemala, Chile, Panama, and Spain and is in the process of opening in Central America and the Caribbean. 3232 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Salsa Huichol, Hot Sauce, 75 años de sabor, Abasto Magazine

Conozca la historia y expansión de Salsa Huichol Hot Sauce desde Nayarit en 1949 hasta su meta de alcanzar todo el mundo en 2030.

1949 Don Roberto Lopez created and launched the 1993 Re-engineering of brand with an initial capital of production at the original 40 pesos. He started in bars, plant, improving costs and cantinas, and restaurants in production of the sauce. Tepic, Nayarit. 2005 The plant moved, 1955 Salsa Huichol is the and production grew to leader in the state of Nayarit. 100,000 bottles per shift daily. 1960 Achieves wide 2009 Distribution through- distribution, being a leader in out Mexico and begins formal Nayarit, Sinaloa, Sonora, and export to distributors in the Baja California. U.S. Salsa Huichol’s history and expansion 1972 The brand changed 2014 The plant is sustainable, so- from manual to mechanical cially responsible, and environmentally 昀椀lling. friendly thanks to the implementation of a photovoltaic system and solar 1979 Informal export to boilers. California, due to high demand from Nayarit. 2024 Formal opening of the Global 1988 Salsa Huichol bottle Export division with Trust Knnect. changes from glass to PET. AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 3333

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 33

Consumo de snacks, aumento en la demanda, Abasto Magazine

El panorama de los snacks está evolucionando. Los compradores buscan el equilibrio entre indulgencia y nutrición, dando forma al futuro del los snacks.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Snacking Surge WHY IS ITS DEMAND INCREASING? By Hernando Ramírez-Santos nacking has become a more frequent habit for shoppers this year compared to last. In 2023, only 15% snacked multiple times a day. Now, it's 27%. According to a recent report from retail data science, Sinsights, and media company 84.51°, this increase is evident throughout the day, with 60% snacking in the morning, 68% in the late morning, and a peak of 84% in both the afternoon and evening. To present a snapshot of changing snacking habits, the 84.51° report compiled trends on the snacking preferences of shoppers ages 18 to 34 (Generation Z to younger Millennials) compared with those of older shoppers ages 35 to 54 (older Millennials to Generation X) and ages 55 to 74 (Generation X 昀氀avor at 13%. to Baby Boomers). Impulse buying is a common behavior, with 73% of shoppers saying they purchase snacks on sale. New or unusual snacks WHERE DO CONSUMERS SHOP FOR SNACKS? catch the eye of 44%, and the appealing flavor attracts When it comes to purchasing, grocery stores lead the way. another 44%. About 85% of shoppers buy snacks at grocery stores, while 60% choose mass retailers and 42% go to club stores.. THE DEMAND FOR BETTER SNACKS Convenience plays a big role in snack purchases, as online Consumers crave healthier and delicious snacks, expressing a shopping and dollar stores are favored by 29% and 28% of desire for more high-protein, low-sugar, and a昀昀ordable options shoppers, respectively. Additionally, convenience stores, drug with fewer preservatives. stores, and vending machines also serve snack seekers. 吀栀ey have speci昀椀c snacks in mind, such as plant-based 昀椀g Taste and 昀氀avor are paramount when selecting snacks, with cookies, monk fruit snacks, low-fat chips, and better-quality 75% prioritizing these aspects. Cravings drive 55% of grab-n-go fruits. snack choices, while 46% value convenience, and 41% Other desired snacks include trail mix, wild nuts and jerky, need snacks to curb their appetite. chocolate-covered fruit, low-carb bars, and more unsalted options. Classic treats like pudding pops and smoothies also PRICE AND VALUE DRIVE PURCHASES make the list. Sales and coupons further drive snack 吀栀e snacking landscape is evolving, with frequency, variety, purchases, emphasizing the importance of and health consciousness driving changes. Shoppers seek price, quality, and 昀氀avor. Price leads at 32%, balance between indulgence and nutrition, shaping the future followed by quality at 15%, and of snacking. 3434 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

EDT Export, Export Development and Trade, Abasto Magazine

Únase al equipo de distribuidores de reconocidas marcas de snacks como: Señorial, Protemás e Incaparina.


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 35

Estrategia para aumentar las ventas de alcohol, Abasto Magazine

Aumente las ventas de alcohol con una estrategia centrada en el comprador. Adaptase a la relevancia cultural, experiencia de compra y las conexiones.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage SShohopppperer--FFooccuusseedd SSttrraattegegiieess ttoo I Innccrreeaassee A Allccoohhooll S Saalleess By Ron Margulis s the title suggests, this column may not be for everyone, advisor. but even if your stores don't sell beer, wine or spirits, you Sponsoring local Hispanic events and festivals and being may want to read on. Understanding the cultural, social present at community gatherings will also build brand loyalty Aand economic factors that in昀氀uence shopper spending and trust, as will shopper rewards programs that incentivize decisions is critical to e昀昀ectively marketing and selling all repeat customers with discounts or special o昀昀ers on their products, and that's precisely what I'll be talking about. favorite alcoholic beverages. Retailers need to use these e昀昀orts to gather data on customer Cultural relevance and selection preferences and tailor future promotions accordingly. Let’s start with cultural relevance and selection. Retailers should o昀昀er the popular and traditional brands that the Ensure that Prices Are Competitive Hispanic shopper prefers, especially those they recognize from with Other Local Retailers their countries of origin (or those of their ancestors). Surveys show that the Hispanic shopper is value conscious Stocking popular Latin American brands of beer, tequila and often looks for the best deal. O昀昀ering bulk discounts or rum, and wine will resonate well with shoppers, so stock promotions can attract cost-sensitive shoppers. Corona, Modelo, Paci昀椀co and Dos Equis beer; Don Julio, Patrón, In addition, try bundling alcoholic beverages with related Jose Cuervo and Herradura tequila; Bacardi, Havana Club and products like mixers, snacks and traditional Hispanic foods. Ron Zacapa rum and Malbec from Argentina, Carmenere from 吀栀is not only increases the average transaction value but also Chile and Spanish Rioja provides convenience for shoppers looking to host gatherings or celebrations. How to Improve Marketing Retailers should train their sta昀昀 to be knowledgeable about to Attract the Shopper the di昀昀erent types of alcoholic beverages (and other products), Retailers can create themed displays and o昀昀er discounts on including their origins and how to best enjoy them. It often popular alcoholic beverages to help celebrate these occasions. helps to provide brochures or 昀氀yers with pairing suggestions Along the same lines, a great merchandising technique and cocktail recipes that educate customers about the di昀昀erent for the category is to create vibrant, colorful shelving that items o昀昀ered. highlights special promotions or seasonal o昀昀ers to catch the eye of the shopper. Non-Alcoholic Beverages Try using cultural symbols and imagery to create an inviting are a Gold Mine and familiar shopping experience, using bilingual signage A 昀椀nal point about non-alcoholic beer and wines like Cerca to cater to both English and Spanish-speaking customers de Cerveza and Kally Rosé Sparkler, and mocktails. All retailers and feature recipes and cocktail ideas that incorporate the can and should be selling these categories because they are beverages being promoted. growing faster than their alcohol cousins and the trend show Like almost everything else edible or drinkable, sampling no sign of softening. and tastings are a very e昀昀ective marketing tool if permitted By embracing cultural relevance, creating engaging and by local laws. informative shopping experiences and fostering community O昀昀ering in-store tastings introducing the shopper to new connections, retailers will more e昀昀ectively merchandise and products works particularly well, as it not only drives sales, but sell alcoholic beverages and related products to the shopper. also gives customers the opportunity to try before they buy, 吀栀is will not only boost sales but also build long-term loyalty which increases their con昀椀dence in the retailer as a trusted and trust. 3636 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Lissto, sabores y tradiciones navideñas, Abasto Magazine

Lissto ofrece diversos productos con sabores y tradiciones navideñas para compartir. Conozca sus productos de Guayaba, Ponche, Caña de Azúcar y Tejocote.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 37

La importancia de fidelizar al cliente no hispano, Abasto Magazine

Descubre las claves para ofrecer una experiencia cultural única a los compradores no hispanos y hacer que tu tienda se convierta en su lugar favorito.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage DDoo Y Youou K Knonoww Al Alll Y Youourr C Custustoommeerrss?? THE NON-HISPANIC CUSTOMER By Ramón Portilla et’s be honest: in our Hispanic stores, our loyal Our Market: Are We Betting on customers have always been our people, the folks the Right Customers? who are looking for that little taste of home. But here’s the million-dollar question: What are you doing But have you ever thought about how many of to make these lovers of Mexican food come into your store and those “güeros” who come to your store could be become loyal customers? Because, let’s be honest, Hispanics Lthe key to taking your business to the next level? already know where to 昀椀nd the best salsa and refried beans, but Yes, those same ones who can’t pronounce “chorizo” without what about the non-Hispanics who are discovering our culture? stumbling but love a good spicy salsa as if they were born in While Hispanics shop at an average of 3.8 stores (yes, we Jalisco. like to compare prices), non-Hispanic shoppers are venturing into chain stores you frequent to try Hispanic products, but… what about ours? With the constantly changing food market, The Silent Invasion of Mexican Food like the recent acquisition of Albertsons by Kroger, it’s crucial To give you an idea of where this is going, here’s an interesting to think about how to expand your customer base. fact: according to the Pew Research Center, 11% of restaurants in the United States serve Mexican food. And get this—85% of Taking Advantage of the “Tapatío Effect” the country’s counties have at least one Mexican restaurant, So, how can you make the most of this opportunity? For meaning that 99% of Americans can enjoy some good tacos or starters, think about what these new customers are looking enchiladas if they drive just a few miles. for: authentic products and a unique cultural experience. If you look at the numbers, you’ll see that in 2023 there were Non-Hispanics aren’t just seeking delicious food—they’re between 47,000 and 65,000 Mexican restaurants in the United also looking for a connection to Hispanic culture. And that’s States, depending on which source you read. And the best part something you can offer better than any conventional is that these businesses have been growing at an annual rate supermarket chain. of 4.7% over the last 昀椀ve years, reaching an estimated value of Imagine that “gringo” who gets excited because they found nearly $90 billion. Not bad, right? the mole they tasted on their last trip to Oaxaca, or the mom And speaking of love, a survey by Datassential found the who’s looking for Latin products to prepare a di昀昀erent dinner following: for her kids, who, by the way, had tamales last night at their friends’ house. 吀栀ese are the people who can turn your store 45% of Generation Z (those who can’t live without into their new favorite spot. their phones) would choose Mexican food if they In summary, the success of your business will not only could only eat one type of cuisine for the rest of depend on continuing to please your Hispanic customers but their lives. also on attracting and winning over those new customers who are discovering our culture. Because, at the end of the day, we 吀栀at’s more than Asian (29%) and Italian (26%). We’ve got them all have a little bit of Latino in our hearts! in the bag! 3838 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Velas Hispanola, Abasto Magazine

Con más de 20 años de experiencia en el mercado, Velas Hispanola, se ha logrado posicionar como la marca número uno en ventas de velas religiosas.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 39

El FISMC honra a dos latinas en California Dreaming, Abasto Magazine

Sally Hernandes, y Bertha Luna fueron homenajeadas por su distinguida labor en la industria de alimentos en Estados Unidos.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Sally Hernandez, vicepresidenta Hispanic Heritage de Comestibles. Mónica Abarca, presidenta de FISMC. Richard Greg McNi昀昀, Wardwell, presidente de presidente Stater Bros. de Superior Markets. Grocers. FFIISSMMCC H Hoonnoorreedd T Twwoo L Laattiinnaass aatt CCaaliliffoornrniaia 䐀爀䐀爀eaeammiinngg EEvveenntt By Violeta Montes de Oca he Food Industries Sales Managers’ Club (FISMC) 昀椀nding more and more female leaders in our industry,” she said. honored Sally Hernandez and Bertha Luna at the Richard Wardwell, president of Superior Grocers, emphasized California Dreaming 2024 Women In 吀栀e Food Hernandez’s career in the food and beverage industry. Industry event. “In 2020, she came on board and immediately grew sales by On its 90th anniversary, the FISMC recognized 40%,” said Wardwell. TSally Hernandez, Vice President of Grocery for During the event, Stephany de Jesus, Hernandez’s daughter, Superior Grocers’ supermarket chain, and Bertha Luna, Senior emphasized her mother’s perseverance, sel昀氀essness, hard Vice President of Retail Operations at Stater Bros. Markets. work, sacri昀椀ces, strong ambition, and leadership. 吀栀e event happened in Anaheim, California, on June 18, as Hernandez advised other women in the food industry, “We FISMC is primarily in Southern California. all need to 昀椀nd good mentors. 吀栀e next generation needs to Kent McClain, back in 1993, was the FISMC president who see that there are women leaders and that they can.” had the idea to honor those women in the workforce who are making a di昀昀erence. Bertha Luna, SVP Retail Operations “I think the ladies here not only broke the glass ceiling by at Stater Bros. Markets. being women but also by being Hispanic,” said Monica Abarca, Bertha Luna started as a Courtesy Clerk at Lucky Stores actual FISMC President and Director at 吀栀e Performance and now is a Senior Vice President Retail Operations at Stater Group, to Abasto Media. Bros. Markets. She has 36 years of retail grocery experience. More than 330 attendees celebrated Sally Hernandez and “What it means for me to be honored today is the ability Bertha Luna. to have a platform to be able to tell my story, to be able to encourage others that maybe may be facing challenges Sally Hernández, VP of professionally and personally and balancing their roles. And Grocery at Superior Grocers to be honest, to be able to educate decision makers in this room Sally Hernandez started as a cashier at Amar Ranch Market to be better support for those individuals that may have had and is now the Vice President of Grocery for Superior Grocers’ di昀昀erent obstacles and may have had a di昀昀erent journey,” said supermarket chain. She has worked in the retail industry for Luna to Abasto Media. 40 years. Greg McNi昀昀, President at Stater Bros. “I’m very honored. I’m so happy. I think it’s wonderful that Markets, recognized Luna’s professional they’re recognizing two Latina women today. 吀栀at’s rare in our achievements. industry”, said Sally Hernandez, Vice President of Grocery for “She leads our store supervision Superior Grocers’ supermarket chain, to Abasto Media. teams, and that’s really the biggest When Hernandez started her career, there weren’t many audience that we have in Stater females or Latinas. Brothers.” “I think women need to continue to push. I think we’re 4040 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 41

Cómo celebrar el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, Abasto Magazine

El Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana es una oportunidad para reflexionar acerca de la contribución de los hispanos en la producción de productos frescos.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage How We Can All Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month By: Mary Heslep, Ten Acre Marketing ational Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated each decades. year from mid-September to mid-October, is an As a professional female who has worked to advance my opportunity for the fresh produce industry to re昀氀ect career in the fresh produce industry for more than a decade, on the history of people of Hispanic descent and their I know 昀椀rsthand that representation matters. 吀栀e same can contributions to the overall production of fruits and be said for the Hispanic community of professionals in our Nvegetables. industry. Representation provides validation and creates an 吀栀e month-long event is also a time to celebrate Hispanic inclusive environment of respect and belonging. professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners' great According to International Fresh Produce Associations’ strides within their communities and the supply chain. Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Toolkit 1, diversity does not work without inclusion. “An inclusive and welcoming REFLECTIONS ON THIS CELEBRATION environment builds con昀椀dence and creates an environment 吀栀is year, I invite everyone across the fresh produce supply in which everyone feels confident in bringing their full chain to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by professional selves – in ways that realize their full potential re昀氀ecting on the contributions of our many colleagues, peers and drive team and company performance.” and friends of hispanic descent in the produce industry that From c-suite executives and entrepreneurs to sales teams, have played pivotal roles in the growth of our industry for administrative sta昀昀, and seasonal workers, our industry's Continues on page 44 4242 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 43

Cómo celebrar el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, Abasto Magazine

Tres sugerencias para celebrar el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana. Desde el liderazgo, la representación y la gratitud.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Continuación de la página 42 Hispanic Heritage Hispanic community of professionals is vital. It touches every Celebrating a diverse workforce in all aspects of your link along our supply chain. How might we celebrate National operation includes providing a seat at the table where decisions Hispanic Heritage Month with them? Here are a few speci昀椀c are made, challenges are discussed, and solutions are created suggestions: for the bene昀椀t of your business and all employees. A seat at the proverbial table is not just for optics or to check a DEI box; having diversity of representation at work ensures 1. YOUR BEHAVIOR IS A MODEL that policies are appropriate and equitable for all employees FOR OTHERS TO FO䰀䰀OW. across the enterprise. Recognizing, as leadership, that your behavior is a model for 3. THE CELEBRATION DOES NOT N䔀䔀D TO BE LIMITED others to follow will allow you to lead by example. Consider celebrating the contributions of your employees of TO ONE MONTH. Hispanic descent, outlining the many ways their work supports Any ethnically diverse workforce can celebrate without being your business’s bottom line. By spotlighting their work during relegated to a designated month, week, or day. National Hispanic Heritage Month, you are validating their Just as the crops produced around the world that fall under professional contributions. the fresh produce umbrella are diverse, unique, and vast in By doing so in a public manner, you are setting the example variety and 昀氀avor, so are the professionals who contribute to that this is a community of professionals worthy of celebration every step of our supply chain. and elevation, further creating an environment of respect and Mid-September to mid-October calls special attention to the belonging. contributions of people and professionals of Hispanic descent, Your actions can empower others to follow suit and promote but the attention needs to continue. Celebrating diversity is a diversity and inclusion in the industry 365-day opportunity in any business across any industry 吀栀is National Hispanic Heritage Month, let’s re昀氀ect on the contributions of the people and professionals of Hispanic 2. DIVERSE VOICES ENABLE US TO descent across the produce supply chain, celebrate their collaboration, and ensure that they, too, have a seat at the table M䔀䔀T DI䘀䘀ERENT N䔀䔀DS. as the fresh produce industry continues to grow in diversity, Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month also means representation, and voice. creating space for representation. 4444 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 45

Heritage Grocers Group lleva su programa de lealtad a El Rancho, Abasto Magazine

'El Rancho Rewards' es el programa de lealtad que mejorará la experiencia de compra y aportará más valor para los clientes de El Rancho.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Heritage Grocers Group Expands Loyalty Program to El Rancho By Abasto eritage Grocers Group announced its recent rewards to ‘My Card’ or the ‘Cart’ icon. Upon checkout, customers need program expansion to El Rancho Supermercado, one to enter their phone number, or present the barcode on ‘My of its banner companies with 29 stores across Texas Card’ or the ‘Cart’ icon, to redeem their o昀昀ers. and Kansas. 吀栀is expansion further uni昀椀es Heritage’s banner Customers that opt-in and Hcompanies under one loyalty program, enhancing the participate can: overall shopping experience and unlocking even more value • Clip digital coupons for its customers. • Earn and redeem points on ALL purchases “Building on the successful launch of Heritage’s rewards • Enjoy and access exclusive weekly offers program for Cardenas Markets in February, we are proud • Receive one point for every $1 spent to extend this program to the loyal customers of El Rancho • Save big on El Rancho’s digital deal of Supermercado,” said Adam Salgado, Chief Marketing O昀케cer of the week HGG. “吀栀is latest expansion to El Rancho will create signi昀椀cant • Take advantage of seasonal offers and added value for both existing and new participating customers. promotional discounts 吀栀e rewards and data accessed from this program will also help HGG further specialize the dynamic About El Rancho Supermercado shopping experiences we o昀昀er to Headquartered in Addison, Texas, El Rancho Supermercado our customers in a personalized opened its doors in 1988 and has since been dedicated to manner.” making Hispanic customers feel at home. Founded by strong family values, El Rancho Supermercado provides a great variety of products of the highest quality and freshest produce. It is El Rancho Rewards always attentive to its customers’ needs to ensure a great shop- 吀栀e ‘El Rancho Rewards’ ping experience. mobile app is available for El Rancho Supermercado is one banner of Heritage Grocers download from the Apple Group (HGG), a leading specialty, ethnic food retailer that App Store or Google Play. o昀昀ers an extensive assortment of traditional and specialty Customers can also sign grocery items to communities. Headquartered in Ontario, up for the new loyalty California, Heritage Grocers Group operates in six states: program and start enjo- California, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Kansas, and Illinois, with ying amazing benefits a total of 58 stores under the Cardenas Markets banner, 29 by visiting El Rancho stores under the El Rancho Supermercado banner, 21 stores Supermercado Rewards. under the Tony’s Fresh Market banner, and 7 stores under the After enrolling in the Los Altos Ranch Market banner. program, all custo- mers have to do to access their o昀昀ers is tap ‘Clip and Save’ to add their favorites 4646 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 47

¿Cómo compra la gente en las cajas de cobro? Abasto Magazine

Descubra las oportunidades para mejorar el área de cajas de cobro. La rapidez, personalización y facilidad de compra son factores claves lograrlo.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage How Do People Buy at Checkout? By Violeta Montes de Oca comprehensive analysis published in June 2024 OPORTUNITIES TO REDIFINE THAT ROLE OF THE by Circana revealed that beverages outperformed CHECKOUT snacks, confections, and general merchandise in Circana's analysis indicates opportunities for the checkout checkout sales. area, such as balancing the need for speed, personalization The percentage of snacks sold with any and positive shopper engagement: Am erchandising support in the total U.S. grocery channel represents 37% of checkout units, while snacks are in • Personalization. Know your buyer and match o昀昀ering second place with 36%, followed by confections with 35.8% and to increase engagement. general merchandise with 31.2%. • Increase buyer happiness. Build a positive impression According to the Circana study “Checkout Trends in 2024, as the shopper leaves the store. Focusing on the U.S. Grocery Channel,” most shoppers make • Maintain space for impulse buying. Enable slowing to regular visits to physical stores. maintain the chance for impulse purchases with an optimized 吀栀e document revealed that checkout merchandising is assortment at self-checkouts. critical, and 83% shopped in-store the last time they bought • Role of store personnel. Evaluate the role of personnel groceries for the household. In comparison, 71% went on at self or mobile checkouts and secure an opportunity for a grocery shopping trip inside a physical store within the proactive engagement, such as o昀昀ering product samples or a previous week, and 65% will buy all groceries in a physical helpful conversation store in the next four weeks (no online delivery and pickup). • Expand buyer base. Seek the engagement of buyer Carbonated beverages and water represent $808 thousand in segments less likely to buy at the front of the store by widening average-dollar sales per store. Carbonated beverages comprise product selections, leaning into seasonal and limited-time 4.9% of dollar sales from a year ago, the most signi昀椀cant amount o昀昀erings versus salty snacks, natural cheese, beer, bread, wine, bottled water, dairy milk, or frozen dinners. SELF-CHECKOUT The document also reveals that 70% of shoppers used self-checkout lanes at least 50% of the time when buying food, beverages, and household products in the last six months. 吀栀is is in contrast to the 52% of shoppers who used a self-checkout lane during their most recent grocery trip. DATA The new products are fundamental 21% of the units sold at the self-checkout were new products 19% of shoppers checking out want to try something new 4848 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 49

Save Mart Companies cambia de dueño, Abasto Magazine

El grupo Jim Pattison adquirió las operaciones y centros de distribución de Save Mart que incluyen Lucky, FoodMaxx, Maxx Value y Yosemite Wholesale.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage SSaavve Me Maart Crt Coommppaanniieess 䌀栀䌀栀aangngees Os Owwnnerer猀栀猀栀ip Aip Aggaaiinn By Abasto FCW 8-Golden State Union has been informed by Save Mart that the Jim Pattison Group has acquired its supermarket operations and distribution center, which include Save Mart, Lucky, FoodMaxx, Maxx Value, Yosemite Wholesale, and the Save Mart O昀케ce UDivision. 吀栀e announcement, released by the union, was con昀椀rmed by the media outlet 吀栀e Fresno Bee in an interview with Ryan have been through this before, most recently with the Barrington-Foote, president of 吀栀e Jim Pattison Group based Kingswood Capital Management acquisition. in Canada. 吀栀ey also assured workers that they would bene昀椀t from “吀栀is acquisition supports our group’s desire to continue strong successor language, which would guarantee the conti- our growth in the retail food business,” said Barrington-Foote nuation of their bene昀椀ts and labor contracts. Save Mart also to 吀栀e Fresno Bee. According to its website, the Jim Pattison intends to continue normal operations and honor the language Group is a “diversi昀椀ed holding company” headquartered in in its union contracts. Vancouver, British Columbia, and operates primarily in the “We intend to continue maintaining our longstanding and United States and Canada. constructive relationship with 吀栀e Save Mart Companies and the new owner, the Jim Pattison Group,” UFCW 8-Golden State President Jacques Loveall said. 吀栀e contracts are set to expire later this year, and the union informed the company that they intend to have a new agree- ment for its members to vote on before the contract expiration. UFCW 8-Golden State said they look forward to meeting and working with the Jim Pattison Group as they continue serving the interests of the nearly 6,000 Union employees at 吀栀e Save SOLD FOR THE SECOND TIME Mart Companies throughout California. IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS “Our members work tirelessly, both for the company and This is the second time in two years that Save Mart in service to their community, and their Union contract will Companies has changed ownership. In 2022, the grocer was sold continue to ensure fair wages, stable bene昀椀ts, and working to Los Angeles-based private equity 昀椀rm Kingswood Capital conditions and guarantee their rights are protected,” said Management LP. President Loveall. 吀栀e UFCW 8-Golden State said that many of their members 5050 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 51

Northgate González Market Celebra Asada Fest, Abasto Magazine

El sábado 13 de julio, Northgate González Market celebró Asada Fest, una experiencia gastronómica que destacó a los mejores taqueros de Los Ángeles.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Northgate Gonzalez Market’s Asada Fest A Culinary Celebration Like No Other By Hernando Ramírez-Santos ver 1,500 hungry Los Angelenos “Our ‘carniceros’ at Northgate gathered at one of the largest González Market are not only “asadas” in the Arts District masters of ‘la carne asada’ of Los Angeles. It marked the but also ambassadors of a debut of the “Asada Fest,” rich culinary tradition.” Marco Opresented by Northgate González, owner, and vice González Market. president.” A food festival like no other in town was cele- Marco González, owner, and vice brated on Saturday, July 13, where attendees president. savored mesquite-grilled tacos from LA’s top taqueros and renowned Mexican chefs. 吀栀e Asada Fest also paid homage to the “What an incredible day! At Northgate 40-year legacy of “Los Meros Meros de la Carne González Market, we know the “asada” is a Asada” with a culinary showcase featuring cherished tradition that brings families and renowned chefs such as Javier Plascencia from friends together while enjoying good Mexican Baja, Claudette Zepeda of Top Chef fame from food, drinks, and camaraderie,” said Northgate San Diego, and social media sensation RobeGrill Market’s Co-CEO, Oscar González. “吀栀e inau- “Que Chille” from Hermosillo, Sonora. gural Asada Fest elevated this idea and family Additionally, guests enjoyed dishes crafted gathering to a whole new level.” by culinary artists, such as Yesenia Rios Northgate González recently launched “Los from Tijuana and Daniel Castillo of Heritage Meros Meros,” a promotional campaign hono- Barbecue in San Juan Capistrano. ring their skilled butchers (“carniceros”) who 吀栀is gastronomic experience, curated in contribute signi昀椀cantly to the success of the collaboration with noted food writer Paola premier Mexican supermarket chain. Briseño Gonzalez, highlighted L.A.’s top 吀栀is companywide initiative sought out and taqueros, including award-winners Tacos La recognized outstanding butchers who embody Carreta and emerging stars like Mochomitos Northgate Market’s values of dedication, hard from Whittier and Tacos La Rueda from East work, teamwork, and excellent customer Los Angeles. service. 5522 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Chata, Abasto Magazine

Chata, celebra 60 años expandiendo el sabor de México por el mundo. Descubra productos de la gastronomía mexicana con auténtico sabor e historia.


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 53

Hay que centrarse en la Generación Z, Abasto Magazine

La Generación Z está a punto de convertirse en la generación más rica, con un potencial de gasto que alcanzará los 12 billones de dólares en 2030.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Gen Z is the Generation to Focus On By Violeta Montes de Oca ielsenIQ, GfK and World Data Lab collaborated FOOD SHOPPING on a study about Gen Z spending habits, which Di昀昀erent marketing channels in昀氀uence each generation. For earned them the nickname Spend Z. Generation Z, digital sources such as apps, social media, and 吀栀e document revealed that Gen Z is the websites are crucial in determining which food products to generation to track today and the years buy. Websites involve retailer and manufacturer sites, product Nto come. reviews, money-saving blogs, and online ads. 吀栀is indicates that NielsenIQ, GfK, and World Data Lab collaborated on a study prioritizing a brand’s website, ad campaigns, blogs, in昀氀uencers about Gen Z spending habits, which earned them the nickname and product reviews is essential to reaching Generation Z. Spend Z. In the grocery category, Generation Z households with chil- 吀栀e document revealed that Gen Z is the generation to track dren are likelier to buy combo and variety packs. today and the years to come. Generation Z prefers products with no arti昀椀cial ingredients, 吀栀e highly nuanced generation has a spending potential low in sugar, natural, and high in protein. forecasted to reach USD 12 trillion by 2030. 吀栀at means that the members of this generation are a global OTHER CATEGORIES force set to bring the most money to the consumer spending 吀栀e environment is important to Generation Z, and sustai- class by 2030. nability is critical. However, price and quality have a greater “If you’re going to grow with impact on Generation Z’s purchasing decisions. Gen Z, you’re going to need However, these factors will likely change as their economic a full view of what’s now situation improves and more Gen Z’s enter the job market. and what’s next”, said Most Generation Z members are looking for clean, naturally the document called fragranced, animal cruelty-free products when buying beauty Spend Z - Gen Z changes products. everything. MM攀攀攀攀t t GGeneneerraattiionon Z Z Gen Z is anyone born between 1997 and 2012 (currently aged 12-27). The description also includes being obsessed with their phones, broken, and never leaving home, among other preconceived notions. It is the current largest generation and will likely be the largest ever, with 2 Billion Gen Zers, or 25% of the world’s population. Gen Z is poised to become the wealthiest generation ever, with the fastest growth in spending power, expected to overtake Boomer spending by 2029. 5454 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

La Fe, Abasto Magazine

La Fe, Grace Foods Refrescantes jugos de fruta en presentación 32 fl oz (1 qt) 946 mL.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 55

La Horchata, Abasto Magazine

La horchata, sabor tradicional de aguas frescas, se celebra en Estados Unidos el 24 de septiembre. Descubra su historia, expansión y curiosidades.

FOOD INDUSTRY MES DE LA Herencia Hispana Horchata, a Flavor That Conquers Hearts Por Violeta Montes de Oca orchata, one of the most Conquest of the U.S. traditional flavors of According to a 2024 Consumer Analysis and Statistics Report aguas frescas, is celebrated from Tastewise, social conversations about horchata have Hin the United States on increased 25.52% in the last year. 4.06% of restaurants o昀昀er September 24. horchata on their menus and the fastest growing consumption This flavor, obtained need for this 昀氀avor is in snacking. from white rice soaked in water and seasoned All of the above is re昀氀ected in the food o昀昀erings available with cinnamon and a little sugar, has had its day since 2001. in the United States when visiting a store or looking for online Although it screams Hispanic in the memory of those shopping options. who know it, its origin is ancient Egypt. Today's horchata is For example, there are McCafé pods with a horchata latte the result of many years, plus a mixture of gastronomy and 昀氀avor, yogi tea for stress and relaxation with cinnamon- globalization. horchata 昀氀avor, and even Splenda in sachets with this 昀氀avor. 吀栀is is what Syed Ra昀椀d Kabir explains in an article published Other options include ready-to-drink horchata water, in World History. Learn more about its history, how it arrived concentrate to make water powder in Mexico, how to prepare it and other curious facts. and pulp, ice cream, cereal, protein drink and protein powder, and Hist漀爀y milk tea. 吀栀e historical records mentioned in World History say that Supermarkets have even horchata is a derivation of a drink made from barley in parts embraced it so much that of North Africa. they offer pumpkin- Horchata, known today, has more to do with Valencia, Spain. flavored horchata During Spain's conquest, the Arabs brought with them drinks during the fall. Egyptian horchata. 吀栀at is when barley began to be substituted with sweetened tiger nuts. 吀栀e result? Horchata of chufa, which is a tuber or root. 吀栀e horchata drink in Valencia, refreshing by nature, was popular because the climate there was sunny and dry. Over the years, the drink became creamier and used the resources available from di昀昀erent countries. 吀栀e Spanish colonization of Mexico in the 16th century included the tiger nut-based horchata, which the Mexicans adopted with their own resources: rice. 吀栀us, the full name of the drink is horchata de arroz, or horchata water. FFUUNN F FAACCTTSS National Today presents facts about horchata: VITAMINA C There are more It is rich in natural The recipe used than ten varieties ingredients such as to prepare it of horchata, the vitamin C, calcium, dates to the 13th most popular being magnesium, and century. Mexican rice-based phosphorus, drinks. among others. 5656 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Lago de Chapala, Hot Sauce, Abasto Magazine

Lago de Chapala, salsa picante con sabor a chile de árbol. Busca distribuidores en Estados Unidos. Contáctese al email: [email protected]


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 57

Día Nacional del Taco, Abasto Magazine

El 4 de octubre se celebra el Día Nacional del Taco en Estados Unidos. ¿Conoce la historia del Taco Tuesday y su importancia a nivel nacional?

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage DDiidd so sommeeoonnee sa sayy t tacacooss?? October 4 is National Taco Day By Violeta Montes de Oca ctober 4 is National Taco Day in the United States. He shared the idea with other franchisees, who eventually 吀栀is food is so popular that each year Americans changed the name to “Taco Tuesday.” consume more than 4.5 billion tacos, according to 昀椀gures from World Metrics. 吀栀e average person eats 46.7 pounds of tacos per NATIONAL TACO DAY Oyear, which is similar to the 46 slices of pizza an American eats annually. 吀栀e taco chain Del Taco is behind making October 4 National October 4 is National Taco Day in the United States. Taco Day. In 2009, it enacted it as part of an advertising 吀栀is food is so popular that each year Americans consume campaign. Taco Cabana, another Texas-based chain, adopted more than 4.5 billion tacos, according to 昀椀gures from World the date the following year. Metrics. According to 昀椀gures from World Metrics, the taco industry 吀栀e average person eats 46.7 pounds of tacos per year, which could reach $53.11 billion by 2026. is similar to the 46 slices of pizza an American eats annually. 吀栀e reason behind these numbers may be because Taco Bell Continues on page 60. and its franchises operate more than 7,400 restaurants serving more than 42 million customers each week in the United States. THE STORY BEHIND TACO TUESDAY In 1979, Gregory's Restaurant & Bar in Somers Point, New Jersey, began promoting Taco Tuesday and trademarked the term in 1982. All indications are that the owner chose Tuesday because the bar on the same street had a “Drink and Get Drunk Wednesday.” In the 1980s, David Olsen, owner of a Taco John's in Minnesota, coined “Taco Twosday” to advertise a two-taco deal for 99 cents on Tuesdays, the restaurant's weakest day. 5858 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Inserto Especial de Agricultura, Abasto Magazine

El Inserto Especial de Agricultura de Abasto presenta la innovación y adaptación que ha enfrentado la industria agrícola ante un mundo cambiante.


Reskilling y Big Data, Abasto Magazine

AgTools expone que en un entorno agrícola altamente tecnológico y sostenible, la actualización de habilidades garantiza la competitividad y la eficiencia.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage THE AUTHENTIC TACO Continuation of page 58. 吀栀e base ingredient of any taco, assures the Mexican gover- nment's website, is the tortilla. It is simple, but fundamental. More than 24 million tons of corn are produced in Mexico each year. Its origin dates back to pre-Hispanic times because the tortilla, the primary ingredient, functioned as a plate, spoon, and food simultaneously. 吀栀us, it became the easiest way to transport food, or stew, from one place to another. Also, from one plate to another, as it happens in typical Mexican taquerias, where the taquero (person who prepares the tacos) takes them from his table to the diner's plate. 吀栀e taco also has its day in Mexico: March 31. Street tacos usually have double tortillas to resist the weight and humidity of the stew and satisfy hunger. In Mexico tacos are sold by the piece (one by one) or by order (3 or 5). SSSMMMAAALLLLLL DI DI DIFFFFFFERERERENENENCCCEEESSS Want to serve typical tacos or learn to decipher if the ones you're about to eat are? Learn the di昀昀erences between Mexican and American tacos. Authentic Mexican Tacos • A Mexican taco has tortilla, meat, lime, cilantro, and freshly made salsa. • 吀栀e salsa is spicy. • 吀栀e meat or 昀椀lling of the tacos can be a beef, pork or chicken stew, as well as 昀椀sh or seafood. • 吀栀e tortilla can be white, yellow, or blue corn. American or Tex-Mex tacos • American tacos have lettuce, tomato, and shredded cheddar cheese. 吀栀ey are usually served with canned or bottled salsa. • 吀栀e sauce is not very spicy. • U.S. beef tacos usually have ground beef, not shredded or diced meat. • 吀栀e United States created the hard tortilla in the shape of a taco (hardshell). In Mexico, the tortilla is soft and is usually chosen between corn and 昀氀our. 6060 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

AgTools, Abasto Magazine

Boost your results with actionable insights. AgTools offers industry-focused data and analytics solutions tailored for the food value chain.

Special Insert for the Produce Industry

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 61

Reskilling y Big Data, Abasto Magazine

AgTools expone que en un entorno agrícola altamente tecnológico y sostenible, la actualización de habilidades garantiza la competitividad y la eficiencia.

Revolution in the Food Supply Chain:: Reskilling and Big Data By AgTools ver the past decade, the food supply chain has in the technology and 昀椀nancial industries have shown that transformed signi昀椀cantly due to globalization, investing in reskilling their leaders improves decision-making changing consumer preferences, and technological and inspires the entire team to keep learning and adapting. advancement. Digitization o昀昀ers both challenges In the agricultural industry, leaders who upgrade their and opportunities, and two key factors in skills and knowledge better understand emerging trends and Oaddressing these challenges are reskilling and disruptive technologies, enabling them to make more informed e昀昀ective data use. and e昀昀ective decisions. 吀栀is is an example of the team fostering a culture of continuous learning. RESKILLING STARTS WITH LEADERS When leaders engage in reskilling, their team follows suit Reskilling, or skills upgrading, must start with organizations' and participates in professional development programs, leaders as they guide change and innovation. Companies strengthening the organization's competitiveness and resilience in a constantly evolving environment. RESKILLING AND DATA An ATD report indicates that companies with regular training have 218% higher revenue per employee. LinkedIn Learning found that 94% of employees would stay longer at companies that invest in their development, and Gallup revealed that 87% of millennials value professional development and learning opportunities. A recent study on reskilling and the use of data in the agricultural supply chain concluded that continuous learning and professional development are essential to adapt to technological advances and market changes. Companies that invest in comprehensive employee training increase job satisfaction, retention, and productivity, resulting in higher pro昀椀t margins. Continued on Page 4. 22   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

El Puerto de Hueneme, Abasto Magazine

Especializados en la importación y exportación de carga a todo el mundo. Son el único puerto de aguas profundas entre Los Ángeles y San Francisco.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 63

Exp Group LL, Abasto Magazine

La cadena de suministro más sólida del hemisferio occidental. Su operación se centra en la importación y distribución de frutas y verduras tropicales.

KEY POINT STATISTICS INVOLVEMENT Continuous 8 out of 10 people say learning gives Improves performance and retention. Learning them purpose at work. Acquisition of 74% of employees want to acquire Essential for job security and career new skills. advancement. New Skills Professional 94% of employees would stay longer Increased job satisfaction and productivity. Development with companies that invest in their development. On-The-Job 68% prefer to learn on the job; 59% Integrates training into daily activities, Training believe more training improves improving performance. performance. Profit Margins Companies that offer 40 hours of Significant financial benefits of regular training annually have 24% higher training programs. profit margins. Real-Time Data Revolutionizes the industry with real- Improves decision making and efficiency, App Adoption time global agricultural market data. aligning with the need for continuous learning and adaptability. RESKILLING: ESSENTIAL IN FOOD INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION Continuation from Page 2 Reskilling, or training in new skills, is crucial to adapting to more responsible and sustainable supply chain that is aligned the changing demands of the food industry. with consumer expectations in terms of food safety and social Automation, artificial intelligence, and information responsibility. technologies are transforming roles and processes, but their practical implementation requires training workers. 吀栀e THE VALUE OF DATA ANALYTICS agricultural sector has revolutionized crop management Data analytics turns raw information into actionable with drones and sensors, but proper training is necessary for insights, di昀昀erentiating between operating reactively and farmers to utilize them e昀昀ectively. proactively in the food supply chain. Farm machinery companies have created training programs • PROCESS OPTIMIZATION: Identi昀椀es ine昀케ciencies in to maximize the use of these technologies. Reskilling includes production and distribution, allowing adjustments to reduce technical skills, data analysis, critical thinking, and problem- costs and improve e昀케ciency. Predictive models anticipate solving, which are essential to improving decisions and demand, adjusting production and inventories. processes. • QUALITY IMPROVEMENT: Helps monitor and control quality at every stage. Advanced analytics detect anomalies USING DATA IN THE FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN before they reach the consumer. E昀케cient data management is crucial to the modernization • SUSTAINABILITY: Supports sustainability initiatives of the food supply chain. Everyone involved in the food supply by tracking and reducing environmental impact. Optimize chain increasingly values data for its ability to provide real-time transportation routes, e昀케ciently manage water and energy visibility and trend analysis and foster transparency. use, and minimize food waste. • REAL-TIME VISIBILITY: Real-time market data allows Ultimately, adapting to and taking advantage of technological one to anticipate and react quickly to 昀氀uctuations in demand innovations is crucial to success in the food supply chain. and supply, adjusting production and distribution strategies. Investing in equipment training and data management 吀栀is avoids product surpluses or shortages and improves the systems improves e昀케ciency and sustainability and ensures management of production volumes, reducing costs and waste. an agile response to future demands. • TREND ANALYSIS: Immediate visibility of market trends Reskilling and e昀케cient data use are essential for supply allows optimization of operations, ensuring food freshness chain evolution in a competitive and changing environment. and quality, responding proactively to consumer needs, and improving customer satisfaction and business sustainability.. • TRANSPARENCY: Real-time information enables problems to be detected and corrected quickly, optimizes inventory management, and reduces waste. Transparency fosters a 44   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

Exp Group LLC, Abasto Magazine

Exp Group LLC brinda excelencia y calidad en la importación y distribución de todos sus productos.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 65

RFC Distributors, Crespo Organic Mangoes, Abasto Magazine

Desde el campo mexicano hasta los mercados estadounidenses. RFC Distributors narra de qué forma cosechan, seleccionan, empacan y transportan los productos.

EEXXPP.. G GRROUP LOUP LLLCC is the Strongest Supply Chain in the Western Hemispherel By Violeta Montes de Oca xp. Group LLC is a multinational-level conglomerate Sera昀椀no in an interview with Abasto. based on several companies. It is the strongest supply Exp. Group LLC headquarters are in North Bergen, NJ, just chain in the Western Hemisphere and soon globally. 昀椀ve miles outside New York City. La empresa vende más de 150 SKU con múltiples Last September, they opened their second location in variaciones, entre las que se incluyen coco, papaya, McAllen, TX. Emango, aguacate y piña. En hortalizas y tubérculos, “We e昀케ciently invest in countries and di昀昀erent types venden zanahorias, ajicito, chayote, jengibre, kabocha, of infrastructure, as well as Central and South America, to malanga y yuca. distribute produce globally. Founded in October of 2005 by Emil Sera昀椀no, with Italian/ And that’s what makes the Exp. Sicilian descent/birth, and managed by his son Anthony Group very special, because Sera昀椀no, it is a company with an e昀케cient network of production, we like to control every aspect importation, and distribution of tropical fruits and vegetables of the supply chain, which is from Central and South America. growing, packing, shipping, The company sells over 150 SKUs with distributing, wholesaling, and multiple variations, including coconut, retail, and that allows us to do papaya, mango, avocado and pineapple. what we do,” said Sera昀椀no. In vegetable and tubers, they sell ajicito, carrots, chayote, ginger, kabocha, KEY OF SUCCESS malanga, and yuca. Quality, brand, service and Bananas and plantains are the culture are Exp. Group LLC main produce stars. pillars as a company, which are “We try to corner different taking them to the next level. demographics, and that allows us to Culture involves character, really have that supply chain. We common sense, and creativity. are now entering European and “吀栀e brand is very important Anthony Sera昀椀no, Asian markets with some of because I want people to have immense presidente de Exp. our asparagus merchandise pride in where they work. I pride myself Group LLC. in having the strongest brand in the Rio Grande Valley. We feel FACTS that we’re winning brands now”, said Sera昀椀no. 2005 when North BIG PLANS FOR A BIG COMPANY Bergen, NJ opened 吀栀e Exp Group has plans to open its third location in Florida and a fourth one in California. Exp. Group LLC is “We feel that these four premises will corner the market and comprised of seven supply our lead-focused country, the United States of America, di昀昀erent companies delivering that exact mission statement: the best possible produce across the globe,” said Sera昀椀no. 500 people work as labor force Florida and California are crucial states providing geographical and logistical bene昀椀ts and advantages. 500,000,000 lbs. of produce Exp. “We are looking to raise our investments, not potentially in Group LLC distributes a year those markets and other markets that we are currently looking at in the United States to provide a great logistical hub for us, that we’re leaning in,” said President Anthony but anything that can improve our supply chain.” 66   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

Crespo Organic Mangoes, Abasto Magazine

El snack de mango más delicioso del mercado. Disfrute lo natural de los campos mexicanos directamente en su mesa.

Mango Board, Universidad de Mississippi

La National Mango Board se asocia con el Departamento Atlético de la Universidad de Mississippi para promover los beneficios de la salud y del mango.

吀栀e Mango Journey From the Mexican Countryside to U.S. Supermarkets By Hernando Ramírez-Santos CF Distributors has perfected the process of getting fresh mangos from the Mexican Pa挀欀ing and Tran猀瀀ort 昀椀elds to the shelves of U.S. supermarkets for Once the mangoes have passed the selection and cleaning nearly thirty years now. Today, with an annual process, they undergo phytosanitary inspection and labeling Rdistribution of almost seven million boxes, it is by Mexican and USDA inspectors. the number one packer of Mexican mangoes With the inspectors' approval, the mangoes are packed and exported to the United States. stored in refrigerated warehouses for later transport to their The family-owned company achieved this position of 昀椀nal destination in supermarkets in the United States. preference because it ensures that the fruit maintains its “吀栀ere are di昀昀erent types of packaging, depending on the freshness and quality at every stage of the supply chain process. 昀椀nal destination of the mango. If it goes to chain stores, we Malú Crespo, president of RCF Distributors, spoke to Abasto extend the speci昀椀cations required by the client, who de昀椀nes Magazine about the mango's complex but successful journey how the mango should be packaged. 吀栀ere are di昀昀erent types from the moment it is harvested in Mexican orchards to its of packaging to meet the requirements of each customer, who sale in U.S. supermarkets. de昀椀nes it, and we take care of his request,” Crespo explained. Harve猀琀ing and Sorting Refrigerated trucks with controlled temperatures transport “We started our operations in Chiapas and worked our way up the Paci昀椀c coast to our home in Sinaloa. 吀栀is year, with its exception, we worked in Peru, which made us close the full annual cycle. My brothers Roberto and Jorge, both agronomists, are in charge of identifying and selecting mango orchards that meet all the requirements and certi昀椀cations required by Mexican and U.S. authorities for exporting the fruit,” Crespo said. During this process, José Ángel Crespo, the youngest of the Crespo brothers, along with his team of inspectors, technicians, RCF team from the RCF headquarters in Nogales, and 昀椀eld engineers, evaluate the quality of the mangoes, such Arizona. Photos courtesy of RCF Distributors as skin color, 昀椀rmness, and sugar content, to decide the ideal harvest time. the mangos between 45° and 48°F. 吀栀e Ataulfo variety can be RCF selects only mangoes that transported at 50°F. meet specific standards in size, RCF Distributors' logistics team constantly monitors the weight, shape, color, and absence of fruit during transport, ensuring the containers maintain the defects for export. temperature and the trucks follow the established route to “Once selected and randomly meet delivery dates. reviewed by Mexican health 吀栀is journey of the mango, from the orchards in Mexico to inspectors, the mangos are subjected a supermarket in the United States, is a carefully developed to a hydrothermal treatment process that RCF Distributors is pleased with, as the president process at a temperature of 115°F. of the family business says. Depending on their weight “For us, it is a great pride to put the name of RCF Distributors and size, the length of time the on high; we are proud to be a Mexican product. It gives us great fruit remains in the thermal satisfaction, and at the same time, it is a great commitment to bath is determined to eliminate see how we have earned everyone's trust in this complex and any pests, whether of animal or delicate process, from the moment the fruit is delivered to us vegetable origin,” Crespo noted. until our customers receive it,” concluded Crespo. 88   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

National Mango Board, Abasto Magazine

National Mango Board suministra mangos con una variedad de escaparates llamativos y fascinantes programas para interactuar con los consumidores.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 69

Calabazas, cultivo y comercialización, Abasto Magazine

En todo EE. UU. se cultivan calabazas; sin embargo, Illinois, California, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania y Virginia son los principales productores.

Mango Board Sponsors Athletics at the University of Mississippi By Hernando Ramírez-Santos he National Mango Board announced its partnership with the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) Athletics to sponsor all Ole Miss football and basketball home games during the 2024-2025 season. According to a press release, this partnership kicks MANGO JOY DURING COLLEGE To昀昀 with the highly anticipated Ole Miss vs. Middle SPORTS SEASON Tennessee State football game on Sept. 7, 2024, where the As part of the sponsorship, the National Mango Board will National Mango Board will serve as the o昀케cial game sponsor. participate in various promotional activities throughout the 吀栀is enhanced partnership signi昀椀es a major milestone for football and basketball seasons, aiming to increase awareness the National Mango Board, further integrating its mission to among students, athletes, and fans about mangoes’ versatility promote the health bene昀椀ts and delicious taste of mango with and health bene昀椀ts. the vibrant energy of collegiate sports. Each home game will feature unique mango-themed experiences, making every visit to Vaught-Hemingway Stadium THE JOY OF MANGO DURING and the SBJ Pavilion at Ole Miss memorable. COLLEGE SPORTS SEASON “We are thrilled to expand our collaboration with the Fans can taste the joy of mangos during a season 昀椀lled with National Mango Board to include all home games for both activities, engaging promotions, and numerous opportunities football and basketball,” said Chris Helsel, general manager to sample this tropical fruit at select home games. of Ole Miss Sports Properties. “吀栀eir dedication to promoting “We look forward to kicking o昀昀 our partnership with Ole Miss healthy living aligns perfectly with our values, and we look Athletics, extending our support to all football and basketball forward to a successful partnership that bene昀椀ts our fans and home games for the 2024-2025 season. 吀栀is collaboration allows student-athletes throughout the entire season.” us to celebrate the joy of mango with an even larger audience. All Ole Miss Athletics sponsorship agreements are managed We look forward to engaging with the Ole Miss community by athletic multimedia rights holder Ole Miss Sports Properties, and enhancing their game-day experiences with our refreshing the locally based team of Lear昀椀eld, the media and technology fruit. Hotty Toddy!,” said Dan Spellman, marketing director for company powering college athletics. the National Mango Board. 1010   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

Anavale Produce Corp, Abasto Magazine

Especialistas en cultivar y vender productos frescos de alta calidad. Sus productos más vendidos son: tomates roma, tomatillos y Bro

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 71

Global Produce and Floral Show 2024, Abasto Magazine

Descubra la alineación de destacados oradores que inspirarán e informarán a los asistentes del Global Produce and Floral Show 2024.

PUMPKINS Where They Are Grown and How They Are Marketed By Abasto umpkin production varies by region throughout the United States, with growing conditions widely dispersed. Every state produces pumpkins, but six states— Illinois, California, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Pand Virginia—are the top producers. According to the USDA Census of Agriculture, the top six states harvested about 40% of pumpkin crop acres in 2017. TOP SIX PRODUCING STATES In 2022, Illinois maintained its leading position in pumpkin crop acreage, harvesting more than twice as many acres as any of the other top states, with 17,600 acres. Pumpkin supplies from most states go to the seasonal fresh In the same year, California, Indiana, Michigan, market for ornamental uses and home preparation. Pennsylvania, and Virginia each harvested between 4,200 Pie pumpkin varieties are predominantly sold to the and 6,300 acres. processing company market, although some go to consumers In 2022, farmers in the top six pumpkin-producing states in retail outlets. collectively harvested more than 1 billion pounds of pumpkins. Growers primarily produce jack-o'-lantern (Howden)- type 吀栀e most recent available data indicate that nearly 80% of pumpkins, but demand for specialty pumpkins—such as Illinois pumpkin crop acres are devoted to varieties intended for pie 昀椀lling or other processing uses, compared to about 3% in Pennsylvania and even less in California and Virginia. 吀栀is di昀昀erence in the type of pumpkin most commonly grown in Illinois helps explain the yield and price di昀昀erences between Illinois and other major producing states. PRODUCCIÓN DE CALABAZAS EN 2022 634 million pounds grown in Illinois. 161 million grew in Indiana. 122 million grown by California. 90 million each grown by Michigan white Howden, Fairytale, or Heirloom—continues to grow as and Pennsylvania.. consumers seek new and interesting varieties. In the last week of October, average U.S. wholesale pumpkin 55 million grew Virginia. prices ranged from $183 per 36-inch container for Howden pumpkins, $237 per 24-inch container for pie pumpkins, and up to $280 for specialty varieties such as Heirloom pumpkins. 1212   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

4th International Congress of Mango, Abasto Magazine

El 21 y 22 de noviembre se celebrará el evento más importante de la industria del mango. Esta es una oportunidad para crear conexiones estratégicas.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 73

Productos destacados de Otoño, Abasto Magazine

Las peras, higos manzanas y arándanos son el grupo de productos frescos que se adaptan a los climas del otoño y que aportan una rica variedad de vitaminas.

Global Produce and Floral Show 2024 A Super Event By Abasto powerful lineup of prominent how they found their success and rose to the speakers promises to inspire top of their industries.” and inform attendees at the An outstanding lineup of speakers promises International Fresh Produce to inspire and inform attendees about essential Association's Global Produce and aspects of the industry. A.B. Stoddard AF loral Show 2024. “We’ll hear from Rodney McMullen, CEO 吀栀ose attending the event, to be held Oct. of Kroger; we’ll welcome the co-founder and 17-19 in Atlanta, Georgia, will gain exclusive CEO of Net昀氀ix, Marc Randolph. 吀栀is is also insights into the future of the produce and an election year, so we’ll have A.B. Stoddard, 昀氀oral industry and the positive impact of columnist for the Bulwark, here to share her female leadership. insights. 吀栀is year, we’ll also see our women’s Cathy Burns, CEO of IFPA, shared details breakfast session join the All Access Pass of the fresh produce industry's big event lineup, and that session will feature Reshma with Abasto. Saujani, Founder of Girls Who Code and Moms “吀栀e Global Show is a moment to celebrate First,” said Burns. and re昀氀ect on the year and to re-energize as Likewise, the CEO of the International Food we head into the year ahead. 吀栀is year, we’re Produce Association gave Abasto a preview of celebrating the great collaboration between her State of the Industry report. Cathy Burns our members – especially our global network “Yes, the 2024 State of the Industry will of volunteers – as we bring together our be presented during the 吀栀ursday morning industry to provide value for our supply chain session at 8:30 am. While the presentation is and our consumers and have our voices heard in development, I am con昀椀dent it will explore on our main priorities,” Burns said.. opportunities for our industry in technology and innovation, sustainability, talent attrac- NEW THIS YEAR tion, workforce development, consumer trends, She noted that they are celebrating a break- advocacy, and more.” through with the participation of the 昀椀rst 100 Through Abasto, Burns joined the cele- growers to bene昀椀t from USDA's $15 million bration of Hispanic Heritage Month with Climate Smart pilot program. a message to this community that has been “Our industry faces major impacts from instrumental in the success of the U.S. agri- Marc Randolph extreme weather and climate change, and we culture industry. must constantly rethink how, where, and when “I’m thrilled we’ll celebrate National we grow. 吀栀is kind of investment is a critical Hispanic Heritage Month together in Atlanta step for our industry to utilize innovation to as we kick o昀昀 the Global Show this year. 吀栀e drive down costs and increase the yield of our Global Show is truly the meeting ground for products,” Burns explained. our industry and a 昀椀tting place to celebrate Despite the challenges facing the agriculture the many communities that make up our great industry due to rising input costs, labor shorta- industry. Our Hispanic industry members are ges, and extensive new packaging regulations, represented across our entire supply chain and among other issues, Burns acknowledged that provide the passion and dedication to growing IFPA must go into 2025 with the knowledge our agricultural practices and serving their that they are part of the solution to many of communities at all levels of retail. these challenges, but it is critical that they play “I can’t quantify the in昀氀uence and impact Reshma Saujami a role in de昀椀ning priorities rather than settling that the Hispanic community has had on agri- for what others decide. culture in the US especially, but I also think it’s On hosting the Global Produce & Floral important to recognize the Hispanic consumer. Show in October, Burns said they expect to 吀栀is demographic is quickly growing, and for exceed expectations, “We’ll be in Atlanta for these consumers to connect with our products, the 昀椀rst time in many years, and we are so they look for their needs to be met with 昀氀avor, excited to welcome everyone to the industry’s variety, choices, and consumer technology. 吀栀e greatest event of the year. We will have major best way to serve our consumers is to ensure focuses on innovation, which includes the new they are represented in our industry. I’d like products and varieties we hear about, new to thank this great community and personally technologies, and solutions, and we’ll also hear invite them to join us in Atlanta at the Global Rodney McMullen from the biggest business leaders out there on Produce & Floral Show this October 17-19.” 1414   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 75

Tecnologías emergentes en la agricultura, Abasto

En los últimos años, las tecnologías emergentes y la IA han revolucionado el mundo de la agricultura con automatización, eficiencia y sostenibilidad.

4 Fruits You Can Eat During the Fall By Iván Aranaga ach season of the year has its own group of foods to o昀昀er you. Fall arrives with a variety of fresh fruits 4. BLUEBERRIES suitable for adapting to the new temperature. 吀栀ese small reddish-blue berries are very healthy After spring and summer, the heat is not as strong. due to their high nutritional value. 吀栀ey provide It could be said that the weather is intermediate. antioxidants, 昀氀avonoids, anthocyanins, and ELeaves begin to fall from the trees, and certain rainy carotenoids, among others, which protect periods also appear, which refreshes the environment. 吀栀en, against various diseases. more consistent fruits appear. 吀栀ey also provide 昀椀ber, carbohydrates, water, Perhaps you saw some of them at the end of summer, but and vitamins. 吀栀eir 昀氀avor? Slightly acidic and it is in this season when their 昀氀avor becomes more pleasant sweeter than other berries. and intense. 1. PEARS 吀栀ey are a classic of the temperate season. 吀栀eir most enjoyable moment begins in August and ends in November. 吀栀ey are full of nutrients and vitamin C. A pear provides you with 12% of your daily requirements, in addition to other vitamin substances and 昀椀ber. 吀栀ere are many varieties, but the Asian one is the most popular in autumn when it takes on a beautiful yellow color. 2. FIGS 吀栀ese fruits from the 昀椀g tree are equally delicious and nutritious. 吀栀ey provide you with vitamin A, C, and minerals like potassium. 吀栀ey also have a lot of 昀椀ber and natural sugars, which injects a lot of energy into you. To eat them fresh, take advantage of this season. 3. APPLES Apples are some of the most abundant fruits in this season. Inevitably, they will tempt you because they are very tasty. Both the red and yellow ones as well as the green ones. Moreover, they are nutritious, loaded with 昀椀ber and vitamin C, and it is believed that they o昀昀er some neurological bene昀椀ts. 1616   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 77

Tecnologías de precisión utilizadas en la agricultura, Abasto Magazine

La IA puede predecir con precisión el rendimiento de los cultivos, impulsando la productividad, mejorando la eficiencia y protegiendo los recursos.

How Technology is Transforming Agriculture By Hernando Ramírez-Santos he agricultural industry has recently experienced For example, soil moisture sensors help determine the signi昀椀cant advances thanks to emerging precision exact amount of water crops need, preventing over- or farming technologies and arti昀椀cial intelligence (AI). underwatering. 吀栀is precision reduces water consumption and Many of these innovative technologies focus on improves crop yields. automating and measuring agricultural conditions AI can analyze weather forecasts, soil conditions, and crop Tfor growing crops. health data to recommend optimal planting times and pest Today, farmers can access advanced tools that optimize crop management strategies. production, improve e昀케ciency, and ensure sustainability. 吀栀ese With all that information, farmers can anticipate and modern systems provide unprecedented insight into every mitigate potential problems before they evolve into something stage of the agricultural process, from planting to harvest. more serious. 吀栀is proactive approach not only improves crop According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), quality but also minimizes losses. in 2023, only 27% of the country's two million farms or ranches used precision farming practices for crop or livestock DRDRONESONES F FOROR A AERERIIAALL MON MONIITTORORIINGNG management. Another invaluable tool in modern agriculture is drones with By adopting precision farming technologies, data-driven sensors and AI capabilities. decision-making, and automation, farmers can use inputs such 吀栀ese drones can quickly and e昀케ciently survey large tracts as fertilizers, pesticides, and water more e昀케ciently to improve of agricultural land, capturing high-resolution images and productivity. collecting data on crop health. AI processes this data to identify areas of stress or disease, AI AND SENSOR TECHNOLOGY enabling targeted interventions. IN MODERN AGRICULTURE As a result, farmers can address problems with precision, Sensor technology plays a crucial role in modern agriculture. reducing the need for broad-spectrum pesticides and promoting Sensors can monitor a wide range of environmental factors, more sustainable agriculture practices. such as soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and light levels. Continues on Page 20 吀栀ese devices collect real-time data, enabling farmers to make informed irrigation, fertilization, and pest control decisions. 1818   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

Kumbia Foods, Abasto Magazine

Su aliado confiable en el suministro de productos latinos como: aborrajados, buñuelos, empanadas, tostones, palitos de queso, papa criolla y sancocho.


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 79

El ajo en la cocina Hispana, Abasto Magazine

El ajo es un ingrediente fundamental en la cocina hispana. Se utiliza fresco, en polvo, cocido o crudo para darle sabor a los platillos tradicionales.

Precision Farming Technologies Used in Field and Specialty Crops: Variable Rate Soil Mapping Plant Technology Measurements Yield Monitors and Auto- Farm Management Yield Mapping Guidance Information System Continuation of Page 18. AI-DRIVEN PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS AI models can accurately forecast crop yields by analyzing historical data and current conditions. 吀栀ese predictions help farmers plan their operations more e昀昀ectively, from resource allocation to market strategies. Such information enables farmers to negotiate better prices and reduce waste. Likewise, predictive analytics can inform breeding programs by identifying traits associated with increased yield and resistance, accelerating the development of improved crop varieties. ROBOTS IN THE ABSENCE OF LABOR Robotics and autonomous machines, guided by AI, can perform activities such as planting, weeding, and harvesting with high precision and e昀케ciency. Automation reduces labor costs and addresses the challenge of labor shortages in the agricultural sector. AI-driven machines can operate continuously and constantly, ensuring optimal productivity. DISPARITIES IN ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY Small-scale farmers primarily face numerous challenges when using precision farming technology. According to a report prepared by the U.S. Government Accountability O昀케ce (GAO), the top seven barriers for farmers to access these technological tools are: •High initial acquisition costs. •Difficulties with data analysis and interpretation. •Limited access to farm data and lack of analytical tools to determine the •Problems with ownership and control cost-effectiveness of precision farming of farm data. technologies. •Lack of standards and interoperability. •Limited education and training opportunities focused on precision •Lack of universal and reliable rural agriculture. broadband services. As the industry continues to embrace these innovations, the future of agriculture looks bright. It has the potential to feed a growing world population while preserving natural resources. 2020   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

HMC, Marketing & Advertising, Abasto Magazine

Agencia integral de publicidad y marketing, reconocida por su compromiso en impulsar el crecimiento y posicionar a las empresas en lo más alto del mercado.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 81

The Global Produce & Floral Show 2024, Abasto Magazine

El espacio ideal para establecer conexiones estratégicas que impulsen el crecimiento de tu negocio. Asiste del 17 al 19 de octubre en Atlanta GA.

Ajo: El Ingrediente Secreto de la Cocina Hispana By Agtools arlic was cultivated in Ancient Egypt more than 5,000 years ago, and there is evidence of its use for medicinal purposes. Its healing abilities gave it magical powers, as it is said that the pharaohs gave garlic to their slaves to keep them healthy and strong. In ancient Greece, it was used by Olympic athletes to increase their resistance. Roman soldiers also consumed it to strengthen themselves before battles. GGarlic is a fundamental ingredient in Hispanic cuisine. It is used fresh and powdered and can be cooked, roasted, raw, or pickled. Its distinctive 昀氀avor and strong aroma make it an essential component of many traditional dishes. Moreover, it is typical for Hispanic families to take pride in their dishes, often enriched with garlic, as its use encompasses sofrito, dressings, salsas, adobos, and moles, where it is combined with chiles and spices. Garlic is also valued for its medicinal properties and cultural symbolism, in addition to its culinary use. In many Hispanic cultures, people believe that garlic protects against the evil eye and other negative in昀氀uences. THE GARLIC TRADE In 2023, the United States imported garlic from several countries, including China, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, and Peru. In the 昀椀rst half of 2023, 124 million pounds of garlic were traded in the United States. However, in 2024, the amount has increased to 148 million pounds, representing an increase of 19.3%. During the 昀椀rst six months of this year, Mexico was the third country to export the most garlic to the United States. In 2023, it shipped 14.7 million pounds, while in 2024, it exported 27.29 million, representing a growth of 85%. 吀栀is increase occurred mainly in April and May, making Mexico the region with the highest growth. Zacatecas is the leader in Mexican garlic production, with 53.34% of the volume produced in 2023, while Guanajuato and Puebla complete the top three with 15.82% and 5.96%, respectively. 吀栀e increase in imports from di昀昀erent countries to the United States has not caused a drop in the price paid by the consumer for this product. On the contrary, minimum prices have been higher than those in 2023, which shows the high demand for this product among families. In addition, garlic contains compounds such as allicin, which has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti- fungal e昀昀ects. Modern studies have suggested that garlic can help reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health. 2222   SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR//OOCCTTOOBBEERR    22002244  --  AABBAASSTTO.CO.COOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 82

El Aguila Foods, Abasto Magazine

El Aguila Foods ofrece Tostadas Raspadas, Dulce de Guayaba, Chicharrones y Cajeta.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 83

Día Nacional del Taco, Abasto Magazine

¿Sabes qué diferencia a un taco mexicano de uno estadounidense? La tortilla de maíz es clave, pero la forma de prepararla marca la verdadera distinción.

Electrolit, Abasto Magazine

Electrolit es la bebida hidratante favorita de los deportistas. Hidratación instantánea en sobres de 0.53 oz (15g).


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 85

Meijer, aniversario 90, Abasto Magazine

Meijer celebra su 90 aniversario con más de 500 supermercados, tiendas de alimentos, mercados de barrio y almacenes de distribución y fabricación.

Super Standouts CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage celebrates aniversary9090thth By Abasto Amidst the Great Depression in 1934, Hendrik Meijer, a local barber in Greenville, Mich., took a chance and opened in retailing to an agile company with multiple formats,” Meijer’s Grocery with his wife Gezina and their children, Executive Chairman Hank Meijer said. “We continue to 18-year-old Johanna and 14-year-old Fred, to take care of look at how we can better serve customers in multiple customers who visited Hendrik’s barbershop. ways to ensure our 昀椀rst 90 years is just our 昀椀rst chapter.” 吀栀e family-owned retailer is celebrating its 90th Being an Active Part of the Community anniversary with over 500 Meijer supercenters, grocery stores, neighborhood markets, express locations, and Meijer has consistently donated at least 6 percent of its distribution and manufacturing facilities throughout six annual pro昀椀t to nonpro昀椀t organizations throughout the Midwest states operated by over 70,000 team members. Midwest. 吀栀is continued e昀昀ort has positively impacted millions of the retailer’s neighbors. “We have built an incredible team here at Meijer that is Supporting hunger relief organizations is critical to the accomplishing great things and enjoys working together, company’s community engagement – speci昀椀cally, its and they are the reason we’ve been able to evolve and grow Simply Give hunger relief program over 90 years from a little grocery store to a new concept our second store in Victorville and continue our mission of providing exceptional service and quality products to the community,” said Richard Wardwell, President and CEO of Superior Grocers. opens Second Store in Wide Range of Products Victorville, CA 吀栀e new store in Victorville o昀昀ers a wide range of depart- ments to cater to the community’s diverse needs. High- By abasto lights of the store include: 吀栀e new store, located at 13650 Bear Valley Rd., Vic- • Fresh Produce Section: A vibrant assortment of torville, CA, o昀케cially opened on July 3rd, 2024, marks locally sourced and fresh produce ensures quality and another signi昀椀cant step in Superior Grocers’ expansion freshness for all customers.. and ongoing commitment to serving the community, said • SR Superior Ranch Meats: O昀昀ering premium cuts of the grocery chain in a press release“We are excited to open meat, ensuring the highest quality for every meal. • Bakery: Indulge in freshly baked bread, pastries, and desserts crafted with care by skilled bakers. • Tamales: Made with 100% fresh stone-ground nix- tamal, these tamales bring authentic 昀氀avor to every bite • Prepared Foods: Enjoy various freshly prepared meals and dishes, providing convenient options for every occasion. 6262 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Productos Prida, Abasto Magazine

Prida es la principal empresa importadora de las marcas más reconocidas de alimentos venezonlanos en Estados Unidos.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 87

Vallarta Supermarkets estrena sede, Abasto Magazine

Vallarta Supermarkets inauguró su sede corporativa de 51,350 pies cuadrados en Santa Clarita. Este evento refuerza la innovación y compromiso de la empresa

super standouts CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage VVallarallartta Sa Supermarkupermarketets Uns Unvveileeiled Sd Sttatate-oe-of-the-Arf-the-Art t HeHeadquaradquarttersers By Hernando Ramírez-Santos Vallarta Supermarkets celebrated the grand opening of our deep-rooted commitment to our customer, our team their new 51,350-square-foot headquarters in Santa and our community.” Clarita. 吀栀e three-昀氀oor building marks a signi昀椀cant Key Features of the New Vallarta milestone, reinforcing Vallarta’s dedication to innovation, Supermarkets Headquarters collaboration, and community engagement. 吀栀e new headquarters includes a • Home Kitchen-Inspired Breakroom: double-height lobby reception space A 1,500-square-foot space with large with three o昀케ce space 昀氀oors. communal tables for socializing and celebrating. • Test Kitchen: A 965-square-foot It features 78 o昀케ces, 166 area for developing in-house products workstations, collaboration and and recipes. focus spaces, eight conference • Executive Suite: Includes a rooms, six focus booths, open lounge space for hosting special events, lounge spaces, and communal including a tequila tasting room. gathering tables throughout the • Sustainability Initiatives: o昀케ce space. Vallarta’s new headquarters integrates numerous sustainability features to promote environmental stewardship and employee During the ribbon-cutting ceremony for well-being. the inauguration of the new headquarters, • Low-Carbon Materials: Use of advanced low- Vallarta’s director of operations, David Hinojosa, said, carbon concrete and structural timber. “吀栀is new state-of-the-art facility represents not just • Energy E昀케ciency: Electri昀椀ed operations powered by growth but Vallarta’s relentless pursuit of excellence and 100% renewable energy, dynamic lighting, and green roofs with native plants. NGNGA FA Focuseocuses on Fs on Frreesh fsh for Independent Gror Independent Grococersers By Abasto Supermarket fresh departments were in the spotlight for erate even more excitement and success by leveraging the nearly 100 operations-focused grocery leaders attending insights delivered by the experts at Focus on Fresh,” said the National Grocers Association’s 2024 Store Operations Greg Ferrara, NGA president and CEO. Summit: Focus on Fresh. “Fresh is a priority for independent grocers, and the content presented during NGA’s Store Operations Summit showed just how many opportunities exist for retailers looking to push their perimeters to the next level,” said Price Mabry, VP of sales and marketing at the Roberts Co., owner of Corner Market. Summit content, delivered by industry experts, including retailers, analysts, and trading partners, encompassed all aspects of the supermarket’s fresh perimeter. “Fresh departments are sparking customer interest and boosting sales for independent grocers. Retailers can gen- 6464 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Produce Depot, Abasto Magazine

Produce Depot ofrece una selección de productos naturales originarios de México, que incluye extractos, pomadas y jarabes para el alivio de la tos.


Hispanidad en Estados Unidos, Abasto Magazine

La comunidad hispana en EE. UU. representa un gran porcentaje de la población total del país. Conozca diez datos interesantes acerca de la hispanidad.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage WWhhatat is is H Hispaispanniicc?? 10 Facts about Hispanic identity in the USA By Iván Aranaga ou must have often heard entirely di昀昀erent. someone being called Hispanic. An example is the use given by the National 吀栀is term has been known since Museum of the American Latino. 吀栀is forum links ancient times. But, do you know the term “Latino” with the ancestral or cultural what is Hispanic? connection of those regions. YYou must have often heard Therefore, it uses it to refer to culturally someone being called Hispanic. 吀栀is connected USA residents. Others use it to describe term has been known since ancient people of color, Asians, or indigenous people. times. But, do you know what is Likewise, to talk about individuals of European Hispanic? descent. What is Hispanic for others? Some use it If you live or have ever been in the to refer to Spanish speakers. USA, you know that there are many residents whose mother tongue is Spanish. 10 FACTS ABOUT Americans call them Hispanics. This identity HISPANICS IN THE encompasses anyone who speaks this language or has roots in Latin UNITED STATES America. For example, Mexicans descended 1. A Month-Long Celebration. Hispanic from indigenous people, Argentines with Heritage Month celebrations begin on September Italian ancestry, or Ecuadorians with African 15 and continue through October 15 each year. It ancestors. all started in 1968. 吀栀ey even include this classi昀椀cation within the ethnic category, separate from the racial 2. The Largest Minority. Over 65.2 million one. Hence, a Cuban American is considered people of Hispanic origin live in the United States, Hispanic and Black. according to the 2023 government Census Bureau Or also Hispanic and White, depending on data. Of that population, the fastest-growing the characteristics associated with their race. group was made up of Venezuelans, Guatemalans, and Dominicans. 3. The Most Latino States. According to HISPANIC VS. LATINO the 2020 Census, the 10 states with the largest Hispanic population are: Arizona, California, Another word you have surely heard a lot is Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Latino. Like Hispanic, it is accepted to identify New Mexico, New York, and Texas. Americans with roots in Latin America or the 4. Population as a Resource. Latinos or Caribbean. Hispanics have transformed the demographics Although the two terms are often used of the US. 吀栀eir in昀氀uence also contributes to the interchangeably, the meaning for some people is economy, food, music, and even politics. 6666 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Hispanidad en Estados Unidos, Abasto Magazine

La comunidad hispana en EE. UU. representa un gran porcentaje de la población total del país. Conozca diez datos interesantes acerca de la hispanidad.

5. Youth. 吀栀e average age of Hispanics in the US increased from 26.3 in 2021 to 31 years in 2023. Despite this, it still doesn't surpass the rest. In 2021, the age of the general native popula- tion was 37.8 years. And for US-born Hispanics, it was 21 years. 6. More graduates. The number of adults with a college degree is increasing. 吀栀e proportion of Latinos with a bachelor's degree, aged 25 or older, is one in 昀椀ve. 7. Viva Mexico. According to the Census Bureau, the Mexican population in the US reached 35.9 million in 2020, representing 58% of the total Hispanic population in the country. Until that date, this was the largest Hispanic regional group in the country. 8. Fusion Food. You'll never truly know what it's like to be Hispanic without trying the variety of dishes from the di昀昀erent populations that make up this group. 吀栀at's why you'll 昀椀nd traditional Hispanic ingredients and techniques in many places in the United States, like Tex-Mex food. 9. Owning a Home. Between 2010 and 2021, the number of Hispanics who owned their homes increased. The homeownership rate went from 47% to 51%. 10. Family First. Something that distinguishes this community in the US is its family values and customs. Traditions are shared to make family members feel at home. licenciatura, de 25 años o más, es uno de cada cinco.

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 91

Tendencias para Halloween, 2024, Abasto Magazine

El informe 'Mars, Tricks, Treats, and Trends 2024' revela las preferencias y patrones de compra de los consumidores antes y durante Halloween.

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage HALLOWEEN Preferences and Trends “Mars, Tricks, Treats, and Trends 2024” By Hernando Ramírez-Santos eneration Z and Millennials will celebrate Halloween big this year and stock up on plenty of treats. This is good news for su- permarkets, which are gearing Gup for a successful candy and snack sales season. Mars Wrigley, the maker of some of the world's best-selling candy and snacks, recently released its “Mars Tricks, Treats, and Trends” report. The study delves into consumer preferences during Halloween, revealing new behavioral patterns and pur- chasing decisions leading up to and during the season. brate Halloween on a larger scale than last year. mayor escala que el año pasado. Report Overview What's Driving Innovations The report provides a snapshot of this year's antic- As consumers continue to prefer seasonally inspired ipated trends, from “trick-or-treat” plans to Halloween flavors, Mars Wrigley is adding M&M'S® Milk Chocolate flavor and format preferences. The data also offers a Pumpkin Pie to its Halloween lineup. The festive treats detailed look at the generational aspects of those cele- offer on-trend pumpkin spice flavors in a milk chocolate brating this holiday. coating that delivers the pleasant taste of fall. “Our Mars Wrigley product lineup for Halloween The Mars Tricks, Treats, and Trends report also 2024 is a direct reflection of our consumers' obsession revealed that most consumers planning to buy candy and offers a fun mix of flavor, creativity, and on-trend (55%) are looking for assorted bags with a mix of fruity seasonal offerings to deliver products that we know will and chocolate candies. end up in the 'good candy' pile on Halloween night,” This year, Mars is meeting the demand with assorted said Tim LeBel, Chief Halloween Officer and President bags that mix Mars brands such as TWIX®, SNICKERS®, of Sales for Mars Wrigley North America. LIFE SAVERS® Gummies, and SKITTLES® Gummies. Mars' new report, prepared with Ipsos, analyzes the Fun size continues to be the star of Mars' Hallow- attitudes of U.S. adults who plan to celebrate Hallow- een treat variety bags. According to the survey, 75% of een. candy shoppers prefer it. The report shows that consumers consider candy the number one factor contributing to a positive Halloween experience. Continues on page 70. It also found that 85% of those planning to celebrate Halloween this year plan to go big or maintain similar plans to last year. 吀栀is 昀椀gure is even higher among Generation Z and Millennials at 90%, and nearly a third of Generation Z (32%) plan to cele- 6868 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Mars Wrigley, Abasto Magazine

Snickers presenta su nueva barra Pecan, una irresistible combinación de selectas nueces, caramelo cremoso, turrón suave y el más fino chocolate con leche.


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 93

Tendencias para Halloween, 2024, Abasto Magazine

El informe 'Mars Tricks, Treats and Trends' expone que el 76% de los compradores adquieren caramelos para repartirlos mediante el método "Dulce o Truco".

FOOD INDUSTRY CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Continuation of page 68. Generation Z, Candy for You, Candy for Me “Halloween Heroes” The “Mars Tricks, Treats, and Trends” report also shows that more than three-quarters (76%) of consumers who plan to celebrate Halloween buy candy to hand out via trick-or- treat or in baskets to greet guests. More than half (53%) buy it to treat themselves. 32% Chocolate is a Favorite, But of Generation Z expects that their Halloween Youngsters Prefer Gummies plansto be bigger than in previous years. Whether consumers give themselves or trick-or- treaters treats, chocolate is the favorite Halloween 17% flavor. They are more likely to make multiple trips However, the report reveals new preferences. While to buy candy. chocolate is generally preferred among all candy shop- pers (88%), gummies are a favorite among younger generations (56% Millennials and 60% Gen Z). The report's findings underscore the pivotal role of candy in the Halloween celebration. By better under- 36% standing consumer tastes and trends, retailers can better prepare their marketing campaigns to make the of Generation Z plan to celebrate Halloween most of this season of candy and snack sales. more than a month in advance. Some plan Halloween six months in advance. 7070 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 95

Greenhouse Accelerator: Juntos Crecemos, Abasto Magazine

Pepsico anuncia los ocho finalistas del Programa Juntos Crecemos, destacando marcas hispanas con un enfoque en el bienestar de las personas y del planeta.

FOOD INDUSTRY MMeeetet th thee Fi Finnaalilissttss o off th thee GGrreeneenhhoouussee A Accccelelereraattoorr PPrroogrgraamm: Ju: Junnttoos Cs Crreecceemmooss By Violeta Montes de Oca epsiCo announced the eight 昀椀nalists chosen to partici- to witness the continued evolution of emerging businesses pate in the second year of the Greenhouse Accelerator in the food and beverage industry,” said Esperanza Teasdale, Program: Juntos Crecemos (Together We Grow) Vice President & General Manager of PepsiCo Beverages Edition. 吀栀is edition of Greenhouse Accelerator focuses North America’s Hispanic Business Unit. “Building on the on elevating high-potential consumer packaged food success of last year’s program, where the businesses expan- Pand beverage brands and products inspired by Hispanic ded distribution and accelerated revenue in just six months, 昀氀avors and culture that are better for people and the planet. we’re committed to nurturing these eight new ventures toward 吀栀e companies will receive $20,000 to develop innovative busi- sustainable success. ness solutions and join a 昀椀ve-month mentorship program with 吀栀e program o昀케cially kicked o昀昀 with a launch event at the an opportunity to win an additional $100,000 Frito-Lay headquarters in Plano, Texas, where the eight 昀椀na- lists were introduced to their mentors – experts across research and development, supply chain, design and more – who will GREENHOUSE ACCELERATOR PROGRAM support them during this 昀椀ve-month accelerator program. 吀栀is edition of the Greenhouse Accelerator marks the second At the end of the 昀椀ve-month mentorship journey, each year of collaboration with the PepsiCo Ventures Group and 昀椀nalist will present the progress they’ve made, demonstra- PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos, part of pep+ (PepsiCo Positive’s) ting how they’ve successfully implemented the learnings from transformation agenda, to make a positive impact on people their mentors to identify solutions to accelerate the growth of and our planet by fostering innovation, creating economic their business. 吀栀e expert selection committee will then choose opportunity and supporting local communities. one of the eight 昀椀nalists to receive an additional $100,000 to “As we embark on the second year of the Greenhouse continue their forward progress. Accelerator Program: Juntos Crecemos Edition, we’re thrilled Finalists of the Greenhouse Accelerator Program: Juntos Crecemos Edition 吀栀e eight 昀椀nalists were assessed for their potential to intro- •Nemi Snacks (Chicago, Illinois) o昀昀ers delicious, crunchy duce innovative products to the food and beverage industry, sticks made with nopales, seeds and mercado-fresh spices. scalability, and demonstrated commitment to quality, sustai- •Paktli Foods (Cincinnati, Ohio) crafts artisan super nability, and community engagement. 吀栀e emerging businesses snacks with organic pu昀昀ed amaranth, quinoa, millet, choco- chosen to participate in this year’s cohort are from all across lates, dried fruits and nuts. the country, including: •Pricklee (New York, New York) is a natural hydration beverage made from real prickly pear cactus, sourced from • JAS (Dallas, Texas) crafts alcohol-free cocktails with Mexico, packed with electrolytes, antioxidants and vitamin C. adaptogens, botanicals and real ingredients. •TOAST-IT (Miami, Florida) o昀昀ers gluten-free, Latin •JaziLupini (Rochester, New York) provides plant-ba- American staples like arepas and pandebono bites made with sed, gluten-free pasta, dedicated to satisfying cravings with authentic ingredients such as yuca root and baked plantains. its low-carb, protein-rich formula. •Ya Oaxaca! (Austin, Texas) crafts artisanal mole sauces •Mayawell (Austin, Texas) offers Mexican-inspired adobos and salsas with premium, natural, non-GMO, gluten- prebiotic sodas sweetened with organic agave and Active free and vegan ingredients, capturing the essence of Oaxaca’s Agave™ inulin, serving as both a prebiotic and low-glycemic gastronomic heritage while prioritizing quality, sustainability sweetener. and ethical sourcing practices. 7272 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 97

Alimentos que se deben evitar en el embarazo, Abasto Magazine

Descubra los seis alimentos que es crucial evitar durante el embarazo para proteger su salud, según un reciente informe de Consumer Reports.

INDUSTRIA ALIMENTOS CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Risky Foods to Avoid 6While Pregnant Por Lisa L. Gill, Consumer Reports Investigative Reporter isteriosis is a relatively uncommon infection caused by infected with it will lose their baby, according to the American the bacteria listeria. However, it poses special concerns College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. during pregnancy because pregnant women are 10 times 吀栀e list of foods prone to listeria contamination is long more likely to get a listeriosis infection than other adults. because listeria is a hardy bacteria that spreads easily. It Pregnant Hispanics face an even larger threat: 吀栀ey are thrives in the cold, damp environment of food processing L24 times more likely to develop listeriosis. 吀栀at’s because plants, and can live almost inde昀椀nitely on many surfaces. Once certain soft cheeses often made from unpasteurized milk, such it contaminates machinery in a food processing plant or the as queso fresco and cotija, are prone to listeria contamination equipment at a grocery store, it is very di昀케cult to eliminate. and are common in many Latino households. 吀栀ough avoiding such a wide variety of foods may sound 吀栀e consequences of a listeriosis infection are daunting, Consumer Reports recommends focusing on the serious: About 20 percent of pregnant people foods known to pose the highest risk: DELI MEAT, PREPARED DELI SALADS, AND HOT DOGS: Los equipos de preparación, como cortadoras y tablas de cortar, pueden albergar listeria. Se recomienda evitar estos alimentos durante el embarazo pero si decides consumirlos, CR recomienda calentarlos a 165°F. RAW SPINACH AND LEAFY GREENS: Listeria puede entrar en el agua de una granja, o los animales también pueden contaminar las plantas. Pero como las verduras están repletas de vitaminas y nutrientes, no conviene evitarlas por completo. En su lugar, considera verduras como espinacas, col rizada y acelgas que se puedan cocer. SOFT CHEESES: 吀栀e riskiest soft cheeses are made with unpasteurized, raw milk, so you should always check the label. 吀栀e problem is that soft cheeses have a high water content and low acidity, which allows listeria to thrive. Some examples are Brie, queso fresco, queso blanco, queso blanco, queso ranchero, and cuajada en terrón. REFRIGERATED MEAT SPREADS AND PÂTÉ: Either skip these or 昀椀nd meat spreads and pâté that do not need refrigeration before opening, such as products in cans, jars, or sealed pouches. 吀栀ese sealed products are heat-treated to kill germs and then sealed in airtight containers. However, once you open these foods, store them in the refrigerator. RAW AND SMOKED SEAFOOD: Raw and smoked seafood aren’t heated enough to kill listeria. 吀栀is includes ceviche, sushi, sashimi, raw shell昀椀sh, and 昀椀sh marked as nova-style, lox, kippered, smoked, or jerky. ALFALFA SPROUTS AND BEAN SPROUTS: 吀栀ese sprouts are susceptible to listeria because the cultivation conditions, a moist, warm environment, can also foster bacteria growth, including listeria. If you decide to eat these, heat the sprouts to the point they’re steaming to kill any potential listeria. **吀栀is is a condensed version of a Consumer Reports story from May 2024. Visit for the full story 7744 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Maseca, Abasto Magazine

Maseca, harina de maíz libre de gluten, presenta su amplia variedad de productos diseñados para satisfacer necesidades culinarias con la mejor calidad.


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 99

Empaques ecológicos, Abasto Magazine

La industria de empaques de alimentos está transformando sus métodos de empaquetado con soluciones ecológicas y sostenibles que protegen el medio ambiente.

COADNVISCEEJOS UTILES CONSEJOS UTILES MES DE LA Herencia Hispana Eco-Friendly Food Packaging: Innovation and Sustainability by Ana María Triana n a world increasingly aware of the need to protect the Some can be transformed into bioplastics derived from plants environment, the food packaging industry is undergoing like corn or sugarcane. a signi昀椀cant transformation with eco-friendly packaging, Among successful cases of this type of packaging are banana or biopackaging. packaging, an innovative project developed in Ecuador that IMade from sustainable materials like natural 昀椀bers, uses banana 昀椀bers to create sustainable packaging. Another fruits, and vegetables, this type of packaging is gaining example is apple pulp containers, a development carried out in popularity due to its ability to reduce environmental impact, Germany that, besides using fruit pulp, also takes advantage among other bene昀椀ts for the planet. of juice industry waste, promoting resource reuse. Current trends in eco-friendly packaging highlight its bene昀椀ts and the innovation behind these products, which 2. Edible Packaging for food manufacturers represent both an opportunity and a 吀栀ese packages are made from natural ingredients and are challenge, inviting them to align with a sustainable production safe for human consumption. Edible packaging can be made chain that guarantees environmental responsibility from seaweed, milk proteins, or potato starch, providing an ingenious solution to reduce packaging waste. 3. Bioplastics Technology TRENDS IN ECO-FRIENDLY PACKAGING Bioplastics are made from renewable resources like corn starch, vegetable oil, or sugarcane residues. 吀栀ese materials 吀栀ese packages are designed to naturally decompose without are not only biodegradable but also have properties similar leaving toxic residues, including materials such as bamboo to conventional plastics in terms of durability and versatility. 昀椀ber, fruit peels, and cellulose pulp, all lightweight and durable. Some can be transformed into bioplastics derived from plants BENEFITS OF ECO-FRIENDLY PACKAGING like corn or sugarcane. Ignacio Parada, CEO of BioElements, a Chilean company that Among successful cases of this type of packaging are banana aims to be an eco-friendly alternative to conventional plastic, said: packaging, an innovative project developed in Ecuador that “Without intervention, there could be more plastic in our oceans uses banana 昀椀bers to create sustainable packaging. Another than 昀椀sh by 2050. 吀栀erefore, the inclusion of eco-friendly packaging example is apple pulp containers, a development carried out in in the food sector is a clear di昀昀erentiator and is becoming a compe- Germany that, besides using fruit pulp, also takes advantage titive advantage for triple-bottom-line companies.” of juice industry waste, promoting resource reuse. SOME BENEFITS INCLUDE: 1. B1. Biodegradable and Compostable Materials 吀栀ese packages are designed to naturally decompose without Reduction of carbon footprint, which positively impacts leaving toxic residues, including materials such as bamboo energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and plastic 昀椀ber, fruit peels, and cellulose pulp, all lightweight and durable. waste generation. 7676 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 101

Empaques ecológicos, Abasto Magazine

Los empaques ecológicos benefician la imagen de las marcas frente a los consumidores conscientes que buscan apoyar la construcción de un mundo más limpio.

ADVICE CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Continuation of page 76. sustainable practices. Promotes the circular economy, as materials decompose into • Promoting consumer education to increase demand for nutrients for the soil, preventing the accumulation of waste consumption, encouraging their willingness to pay for it. in the oceans. A “plus” for brands, as food businesses express their 吀栀e transition to eco-friendly packaging in the food industry commitment to the environment in a market where consumers is a trend that not only bene昀椀ts the environment but also adds increasingly value sustainable practices. value to brands and meets the demand of conscious consumers. Parada emphasized: “It’s not just about selling products but Today, it remains a challenge that requires the cooperation of about processing, researching, and producing materials that all players in the supply chain, as well as a 昀椀rm commitment can come into contact with food without causing any harmful to sustainability and innovation. e昀昀ects. Packaging should no longer be seen solely as a means to wrap things or as a transportation medium; today, it must 吀栀is adoption is not just a sustainable choice but an urgent be viewed as an end in itself.” necessity to contribute to a cleaner and healthier world, for the SIX OBSTACLES FACING MANUFACTURERS preservation of our planet for future generations. Despite the numerous bene昀椀ts of eco-friendly packaging, food manufacturers face several barriers to its widespread adoption. 吀栀ese challenges can be technical, economic, and related to consumer perception. 1. High Production Costs. 吀栀ere is a trend that eco-friendly materials are more expensive than conventional plastics, possibly because their manufacturers haven’t integrated economies of scale. 2. Switching to eco-friendly packaging production requires the setup of new infrastructure, which may necessitate adjustments to existing packaging lines, resulting in signi昀椀cant investment. 3. Some biodegradable materials may have a shorter shelf life, which can a昀昀ect the cost of inputs, storage, and logistics. 4. Some biodegradable and compostable materials may have lower resistance to handling and extreme conditions, posing challenges in the supply chain. 5. Regulatory requirements may be stringent when it comes to biopackaging, requiring food producers to obtain and demonstrate certi昀椀cations, which can be complex and costly. 6. Educating consumers to raise awareness and change their perception of the quality and durability of packaging is a matter of time, and may also require them to accept higher prices compared to traditional packaging, which could affect demand and limit companies’ ability to o昀昀set additional costs. HOW TO OVERCOME BARRIERS Introducing biopackaging into the food industry requires packaging manufacturers to overcome some barriers, which directly impacts their buyers. Recommendations: • Investing in research and development will help improve packaging properties and reduce material costs. • Encouraging the formalization of alliances that bring together eco-friendly material suppliers to increase their business capabilities and inject technologies. • Taking advantage of government incentives and subsidies that promote the implementation of 7878 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Comercial Mexicana Internacional, Abasto Magazine

Distribuidor directo de las marcas más importantes del mercado hispano, con 13 años de experiencia brindando un excelente servicio y respaldo.


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 103

El poder de compra de la Generación Z, Abasto Magazine

Los minoristas deben enfocarse en crear una fuerte presencia en redes sociales para atraer a los compradores de la Generación Z.

ADVICE CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Generation Z: What Does It Expect from a Supermarket? By Jaime Enrique (Rick) Parra as they plan for the future. However, price is not the only key factor. According to Cegielski, nearly all (97%) Generation Z shoppers still shop in-store and look for interactive experien- ces. 吀栀is can range from tech experiences to seeing, touching, eneration Z shoppers are a highly sought-after and trying out products before buying them, something parti- demographic by retail businesses, and supermar- cularly important for supermarkets specializing in fresh foods kets are no exception. Attracting these young and specialty items. consumers now can help build loyalty as their Fast and easy checkouts are also important, with 46% of purchasing power continues to grow. respondents citing this as the most important factor in their G in-store experience. In 2021, Bloomberg cited data from Gen Z Planet estimating that this group had a purchasing power of $360 THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA billion, a 昀椀gure that has undoubtedly increased as more members of this generation join the workforce. Businesses 吀栀is digital generation is heavily invested in social media, so must understand what sets Generation Z apart from its prede- retailers can’t a昀昀ord to ignore this channel. Social content is a common source of inspiration for users, making these plat- LA GENERACIÓN forms the perfect place for recipes and educational content Son los nacidos entre 1997 y 2012. Representan aproximadamente el 20% de la población de de la Generación Z a昀椀rma que las redes ZEEUU, según datos de 2023 del Censo. sociales afectan sus hábitos de gasto cessors if they want to maximize its buying potential. related to cooking. One of the main drivers of Generation Z’s shopping habits is, of “Generation Z is a demographic highly in昀氀uenced by social course, the economy: only 7% are unsure or say they don’t pay media, especially when it comes to purchasing decisions,” attention to economic issues, according to 吀栀e Rise of the Gen said Cegielski. “Brands that can successfully leverage social Z Consumer report by the International Council of Shopping channels by sharing products, product reviews, and in-app Centers (ICSC). 吀栀is generation has lived through two periods purchases will be better positioned to reach this group.” of economic uncertainty, so it’s not surprising that 48% choose Cegielski also noted that social media in昀氀uencers impact the low-price retailers as one of the types of stores they frequent. spending of about a third of Generation Z, though this e昀昀ect isn’t as strong as the in昀氀uence of friends and family or online ECONOMIC CONCERNS reviews, which ranked among the top three decisive factors in making a purchase decision. “Generation Z was largely shaped by events like the Great Attracting Generation Z shoppers largely depends on a retai- Recession, seeing family members face the challenges of that ler’s ability to o昀昀er a 360-degree experience that encapsulates period and, of course, experiencing the economic impact of the both online shopping and the speed and convenience of in-per- COVID-19 pandemic themselves,” said Stephanie Cegielski, vice son shopping. Simplifying payment options, emphasizing value president of research at ICSC. shopping, and demonstrating a commitment to supporting Shopping at discount stores and bargain-priced retailers social causes (such as mental health, sustainability, and ethi- allows this young generation to remain price-conscious in their cal sourcing) can also help retailers win over Generation Z purchases, which in turn helps them feel more comfortable shoppers. 8080 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Aurora Grocery Group, Abasto Magazine

Aurora Grocery Group te ayuda a construir tu sueño ofreciendo su exitoso modelo de negocio para emprendedores interesados en tener su propia tienda.


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 105

Liderando con innovación, Abasto Magazine

Claves para adaptarse a las tendencias emergentes y prosperar en un mundo empresarial en constante cambio.

ADVICE CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage IInnssppiirratatiioonn a anndd A Actctiioonn:: Leading with Innovation and Purpose Por Juan Ramón (Jay) García iscover the keys to adapting to emerging underrepresented talent to access meaningful opportunities. trends and thriving in a constantly changing For those seeking employment or in recruitment positions, business world. it is important to focus on skills and how they can contribute With autumn on the horizon, 2024 is to the success of the organization. Dbringing signi昀椀cant changes in the business world. Current trends re昀氀ect not only shifts Sustainability and Green Practices in market dynamics but also an evolution in the values and Sustainability has shifted from being an option to an expectations of consumers and employees. imperative in the business world trends. Companies are 吀栀is article o昀昀ers an analysis of these trends and an invitation adopting more environmentally responsible practices, such as to action for readers who want to stay informed about new implementing circular economies and reducing “greenwashing.” developments and prepare for future challenges. 吀栀is trend responds to growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products and services and prepares companies Emerging Leadership: Beyond the Numbers for a future with stricter environmental regulations. Today, business leaders are adopting a more human and Adopting sustainable practices is not only good for the planet authentic approach. Maximizing shareholder pro昀椀ts is no but can also enhance brand image and foster customer loyalty. longer the sole objective. Now, the goal is to create value for all stakeholders, including employees, customers, and Immersive Technologies and Personalization communities. Immersive technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and 吀栀is shift towards more empathetic and purpose-driven virtual reality (VR), are revolutionizing the way companies leadership not only fosters a more inclusive and collaborative interact with their customers. 吀栀ese tools not only enhance the organizational culture but also motivates employees and user experience by making it more interactive and engaging, improves the workplace environment. It is crucial that today’s but they also o昀昀er new opportunities for marketing and leaders embrace this transformation trends and be genuine in employee training. their decisions and actions. Additionally, the personalization of the customer experience has become a key di昀昀erentiator in an increasingly competitive Skills over Degrees: The Future of Recruitment market. By using customer relationship management (CRM) Another highlighted trend is the growing focus on skills- technologies, companies can o昀昀er personalized experiences based hiring rather than academic degrees. that deeply resonate with their target audiences. Companies are recognizing that practical and speci昀椀c As we approach the end of 2024, it is essential for businesses competencies are more important for job success than and leaders to adapt to these emerging trends. 吀栀e business educational credentials. 吀栀is shift is opening doors to greater world is constantly evolving, and those who are able to innovate diversity and inclusion in the workforce, allowing previously and lead with purpose will be the ones who stand out. 8282 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 107

Consultoría externa en tiendas, Abasto Magazine

La consultoría externa le ayudará a mejorar su empresa guiándolo a formas de operación más rentables y productivas.

ADVICE CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage TThhe Re Reettaaiil Al Accaaddeemmyy EXTERNAL HELP TO IMPROVE OUR STORES By Julio Ibáñez, [email protected] product placement within the store. owadays, it is increasingly common for retailers to seek A consultant or team of experienced and quality retail external consulting services to develop improvement professionals must know exactly how, where, and when to place plans for our stores that can cover virtually all products, and consumer behaviors that are often not included departments, optimizing sales, purchasing, logistics, in standard practices. services, and overall pro昀椀tability. For example, supermarkets often 昀椀nd it better to place milk N吀栀e main goal is to increase sales by generating more in the back corners of stores, knowing that it is a product almost customer tra昀케c to stores and attracting them to the products everyone needs. 吀栀is ensures that customers pass by other we sell. merchandise or products and may eventually buy them as well. If we focus on improving the operations of each of our stores, we delve into the details of each location. EXPERIENCE IS CRUCIAL Similarly, a supermarket consultant can help with sta昀昀 AREAS OF ANALYSIS FOR STORES productivity issues, understanding how and when peak hours External consulting will work to analyze and enhance occur, and communicating this information to the sta昀昀. promotions, sales operations, each team of associates, 吀栀ey also understand the skills needed to succeed within supervisors and managers, store marketing, as well as the sales teams, especially since the skills required for the design and layout of the sales 昀氀oor. Cosmetics Department can be completely di昀昀erent from those Historically, the hiring of these services has always been needed for the Meat Department or Fresh Produce. done before opening a business or a new supermarket chain. When hiring a consultant for our supermarkets, it is It is key to have an external and neutral view of the situation important to consider: of our stores periodically, which obviously represents an 吀栀e existence of a degree may or may not be important, additional expense. but the consultant must have a wealth of knowledge and However, the short- and long-term bene昀椀ts should justify quanti昀椀able results in various supermarket chains similar to this expense. Implementing new, more profitable, and ours to support their desire to work in our stores. productive ways of operating in our supermarkets can make 吀栀e consulting team must also be capable of advising, the di昀昀erence between success and failure. designing strategies, analyzing, and presenting a genuine general diagnosis of the chain on how to manage and improve BENEFITS OF CONSULTING the operational process in any department. Consulting will identify hundreds of improvement Above all, the consultant must understand the challenges opportunities in each of the departments that are audited. of managing our supermarkets and how external help Moreover, consulting in our supermarkets can also assist will signi昀椀cantly improve all levels of our business in the with the geographic location of future openings, as well as medium term. 8484 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM

Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 109

La Cuarta Revolución Industrial, Abasto Magazine

ADVICE CELEBRATING Hispanic Heritage Artificial Intelligence and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” By Ricardo Gaitán he changes the world is experiencing due to the advan- United States, is also known as the “Information Society.” It cement of intelligent technologies have placed us in was characterized by the introduction of digital technologies, the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” 吀栀is movement, social networks, and globalization—recent changes that we which began in the 21st century, is characterized by are still experiencing today. the combination of digital innovations that are trans- Tforming the way we work and live. The Fourth Industrial Revolution 吀栀e emergence of Industry 4.0 represents the idea that 吀栀e term “revolution” comes from the Latin word revolutio, the world is currently in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. used during the Middle Ages to refer to the circular move- However, some experts argue that what we are experiencing ment of celestial bodies. Over time, the word began to acquire is not a Fourth Industrial Revolution but rather an extension a broader and more dynamic meaning due to transformations of the third. What is certain is that it marks an important in various aspects of human life, including politics, science, and milestone in industrial development, based on technological industry: the “English Revolution” (1642-1688), the “American pillars where the new Industry 4.0 is built upon the Digital Revolution” (1775-1783), the “French Revolution” (1789-1799). Revolution. 吀栀e concept of Industry 4.0 was 昀椀rst introduced at the Hannover Fair (an industrial technology exhibition) in 2013. The First Industrial Revolution A research group outlined the implications and technological 吀栀e First Industrial Revolution emerged in the second half advancements emerging in 昀椀elds such as arti昀椀cial intelligence, of the 18th century (1760) in the Kingdom of Great Britain and quantum computing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, spread to Western Europe and America. It was characterized autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, and the Internet of 吀栀ings by the use of the steam engine and new energy sources such (IoT). 吀栀ese advances have the cyber-physical power to trans- as coal. Due to these and other advances, the economy shifted form the way people interact with digital systems. from being based on agriculture to being centered on industry. 吀栀e cyber-physical system is composed of the interaction 吀栀is revolution concluded in 1840. between two fundamental elements: • Physical systems, which collect data from the envi- The Second Industrial Revolution ronment and execute some process. Beginning in 1870 and lasting until 1914, the Second • Digital systems, which model the behavior of the Industrial Revolution was a period of economic and techni- physical system and allow for decision-making, cal innovations that transformed everyday life. New energy meaning they simulate its behavior. sources, such as electricity, and new means of communication 吀栀ese are processes conceived through the optimal inte- and transportation emerged, contributing to the expansion of gration of computing and physical elements—a remarkable capitalism around the world. advancement, recognized as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 吀栀is is just the beginning. 吀栀e previous revolutions took many The Third Industrial Revolution years to reach everyone, while the current one is advancing 吀栀e 吀栀ird Industrial Revolution arose in the mid-20th at an exponential speed, where reality may surpass 昀椀ction— century, following technological and scienti昀椀c discoveries something both fascinating and concerning. between the 1970s and 1980s. 吀栀is revolution, led by the 8686 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 111

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CELEBRATING WWhhiittee BeBeaann ZZuucccchhiinnii aanndd CCoorrnn EEnncchhiillaaddaass Hispanic Heritage wwiitthh CCiillaannttrroo SSeerrrraannoo SSaauuccee By Nissa Pierson his budget-friendly recipe combines the vibrant 昀氀avors of Hispanic cuisine with an abundance of fresh, healthy produce. 吀栀e white bean zucchini and corn enchiladas with cilantro serrano sauce it’s easy to make and kid-friendly, perfect for back-to-school time. TRellenas de las verduras del 昀椀nal del verano que hacen una bonita transición al otoño, los frijoles blancos repletos de proteínas crean un sustan- cioso relleno vegetariano, mientras que el calabacín, el maíz y los tomates cherry capturan los transitorios sabores del verano para las noches tibias o frías. Las enchiladas se cubren con una sabrosa salsa de cilantro serrano, que añade un agradable toque picante al plato. Recipe for 10 - 12 Small Enchiladas For the zucchini and corn • 1 ½ teaspoon of cumin 昀椀lling: • 1teaspoon of smoked paprika • 1 tablespoon of butter •1teaspoon of ancho chili powder • 1 tablespoon of olive oil • 1 teaspoon of salt • ½ yellow onion, chopped 昀椀ne • 1 ½ cups of cooked white beans • 2 cloves garlic, chopped 昀椀ne • Big handful of baby spinach, chopped • 1 Poblano or Anaheim chili pepper, seeds 昀椀ne (optional) and stems removed, chopped 昀椀ne • 8-12 corn/昀氀our mix tortillas • 1 zucchini, chopped 昀椀ne • ½ cup grated Monterrey Jack cheese • 1 cobb of corn, corn niblets cut off or crumbled cotija – plus another ¼ cup • 6-8 cherry tomatoes chopped 昀椀ne for the top Para la salsa: • ¼ cup of olive oil or avocado oil • 1 bunch of cilantros, chopped (use up • Juice of 2 limes to the last 2-3 inches of stem) • 1 cup of hot water • 1 Serrano chili pepper, deseeded • ½ teaspoons of salt • ¼ cup yellow onion, chopped • 1 clove of garlic Instructions 1. Heat the butter and oil in a sauté pan all the juices. over medium-high heat. Add the onions, 4. Preheat the oven to 375˚ F. Lightly garlic, and green chilies, cooking until grease a baking dish and spread a bit of the onions are translucent. sauce on the bottom. 2. Reduce the heat to medium, add 5. To assemble the enchiladas, pour the zucchini and corn, and sauté for ½ cup of sauce onto a plate. Coat each 2-3 minutes. Add the chopped cherry tortilla with sauce, 昀椀ll with the vegetable tomatoes, salt, cumin, and smoked mixture, and roll up. paprika, cooking for 3-4 minutes until 6. Place seam side down in the baking the tomatoes cook down and the dish. Repeat with all tortillas. Pour the vegetables are tender. remaining sauce over the enchiladas, 3. Remove from heat and mix with sprinkle with cheese, and bake for 25 cooked beans, spinach, and cheese, minutes until hot, crispy, and the sauce gently mashing until the beans absorb is set. 8888 SSEEPPTTIIEEMBRMBREE//OOCCTTUUBRBREE 2 2002244 AABBAASSTOTO..CCOOMM


Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 113

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Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 115
Abasto Magazine: September/October 2024 - Page 116